eris vs droid

Anyone else care to comment? I'm leaning Eris but could be convinced. I'm interested in email. Poster above stated if email was very important, stay away. Are other Eris users having problems with email and specifically Exchange email? Does this mean that Droid somehow handles email batter? Won't the 2.0 upgrade to Eris remedy any issues?
JMHO of course, but I think the Eris handles email just fine (not sure what email problems the previous poster was having, but I haven't experienced any email issues) and is every bit as customizable as the Moto. Good luck!
I couldn't get pop3 email to work at all using the built in app, but hear that it works fine with exchange. For pop3, k9 seems to be the only way to go. I also get my email thru the yahoo mail page and it's working o.k.
well i have the eris and my girl got the moto, we got them the same day, so obviously we let eachother screw around with the phones.
personally i like the eris jsut because to me the moto droid feels like a brick. the htc seems a bit more organized and i am a sucker for the touch screen keyboard, before this i had the moto rival i hate slide out keyboards. so my vote is for eris.
mygirl and i constanly fight about whos is better everytime we see a commercial for one of the droids lol

Bottom line is that you can't go wrong with either. For me it was the price, the 7 home screens, and the relatively smaller size and weight.

But those that prefer the Moto Droid have good reasons for liking it. Too each their own.
I own the Droid, but chances are, she'll like the Eris just fine.

Coming from the Storm, she probably won't need the physical keyboard. I don't use it at all personally.

Only thing she'll have to get used to is that the screen isn't a button, so gently touching things will select them.

Haven't played with an Eris at all, so that's all I'll say on the issue.
Good thread

I checked out both and initial like is the Eris. The feel of it works for me. I have the Dare, so close in shape and feel, but it ends there. The Eris has the 7 home screens which I like. Light is a + since I keep it in a pouch on my belt. The pinch/zoom feature is cool as well. Do not really need a physical keyboard.

Things I do on my Dare:
check email(google and yahoo) do not care for exchange or pop3
read the news(CNN, Foxnews, etc)
Youtube - watch videos
Facebook/Myspace - keep up with the status and replies.
take Pictures/Video - not a lot, but enough
GPS - Yes, I am paying for it right now.
Games - not really
Text - I like the virtual keyboard over my wife's LG touch physical keyboard.

If the Eris will do the above, then I am set. Yes, it will have an upgrade, but when is the word. If attachments can be read, then I will use this feature as well.(pdf, word)

I know the Droid will do a lot more, but do I really need it? Not sure, still shopping and reading the forums.
I checked out both and initial like is the Eris. The feel of it works for me. I have the Dare, so close in shape and feel, but it ends there. The Eris has the 7 home screens which I like. Light is a + since I keep it in a pouch on my belt. The pinch/zoom feature is cool as well. Do not really need a physical keyboard.

Things I do on my Dare:
check email(google and yahoo) do not care for exchange or pop3
read the news(CNN, Foxnews, etc)
Youtube - watch videos
Facebook/Myspace - keep up with the status and replies.
take Pictures/Video - not a lot, but enough
GPS - Yes, I am paying for it right now.
Games - not really
Text - I like the virtual keyboard over my wife's LG touch physical keyboard.

If the Eris will do the above, then I am set. Yes, it will have an upgrade, but when is the word. If attachments can be read, then I will use this feature as well.(pdf, word)

I know the Droid will do a lot more, but do I really need it? Not sure, still shopping and reading the forums.

It does all that. And more. You are good to go.
A friend just set up the Eris at his work. Another positive for it is it supports syncing with outlook (not exchange) much better than the Moto Droid.

Now that I've got swype, I never use the physical keyboard on my droid.
I saw swype, so it will work on the Eris? It looked easy to use up front. I do a lot of texting anyways.

As much as I want from in store, may order online to save the $100.00 up front.
I noticed that Wirefly is free and they seem to have a 14 day or 30 day return policy depending on how you read it. I read it as 14 day in original condition with less than 30 minutes of use, and their discretion whether to call it a 100% return or if they deduct some value. And absolutely no mention of defective or glitchy units and how that is dealt with after 14 days. I'm a bit put off but that. Anyone with good experience dealing online with returns after the intitial period?
I have a palm pre plus as well as an Eris.

As far as the Motorola Droid Vs Eris

Having a BB storm, she will love the eris but like someone mentioned...the eris responds to light touches seeing how it's very sensitive

I think the Droid may cause her to have to learn alot more vs the eris is very simplistic yet intuitve
I've got the Moto Droid and I just bought my daughter the Eris (early valentine's day gift). I haven't used hers enought to know much, but I LOVE the 7 homescreens. Seems like a solid phone. Now to convince the wife she needs one :)
I've got the Moto Droid and I just bought my daughter the Eris (early valentine's day gift). I haven't used hers enought to know much, but I LOVE the 7 homescreens. Seems like a solid phone. Now to convince the wife she needs one :)

Let her fiddle with the daughter's phone. She'll want one.