Dust under screen, not allowed to exchange

Hey guys I'm new here. I love the Droid, but mine has accumulated some dust under the screen which I can clearly see. I took it into the store but was told that they don't offer exchanges for that type of thing. This was less than 1 week after I got it new too. I let it go then, but after seeing several posts about people not having any problems returning theirs for the same issue I got kind of irritated...what would you guys do in this situation?


Premium Member
Premium Member
BS, Dust under the screen is a Manufacture defect.....

VZW replaced thousands of Storms for that very reason....


I didn't think it would be a problem for them to swap it out, but they flat out refused. You think I should pursue it again?


I called tech support first, they said to take it into a store because it would be quicker than getting a new one shipped out. Is that 611 thing the way to go?


I've had the same problem in the past with other phones, but now I just use a lint brush in the pocket I will be putting the Droid in.. problem solved for me... haven't had lint or dust in my screen. ...just clean those pockets!


Super Moderator
I called tech support first, they said to take it into a store because it would be quicker than getting a new one shipped out. Is that 611 thing the way to go?
If the store is gonna give you a hard time ya. You could try another corporate store, but I don't know if you have the luxury of having 2 or more near by you.

611 will have to ship it but they're usually very understanding and will work for a resolution. So you wait a few days for it to be mailed.... but you get a shiny new Droid when it does arrive :icon_ banana:


Well thanks guys, I think I'm going to do that. I tried to reason with the rep at the store, saying that if visible dust collected in only a week, obstructing dust would come later. Obviously didn't work though...


Well just got off the phone with VZW...I have mixed feelings. First time the rep told me I'd have to send it to Motorola for cleaning, then he said I could pay the insurance deductable, THEN he said he could send me a like-new phone. The replacement will be here Thursday or Friday. I just wonder why this one I'm getting was returned in the first place..
someone probably had it, did not like it, and returned it within the 30 days. Atleast thats what they told me with the refurbished phones.


Active Member
or it got dust under the screen and they cleaned it, or cracked the screen and they fixed it or it had some other problem and they "refurb" it up and ship it back out


If that is the case that will be perfectly fine, but after my last mail in replacement from VZW being defective out of the box, I'm kind of weary. The phone even came with the checklist with all "passed" but that was certainly not the case.


yeah when i got my phone as a like new replacement it was like new but the screen edges were kind of scratched which I wasn't happy about


Well the last mail replacement I got, my 5th Touch Pro, refused to ring and the battery drained completely within 5 hours. Not sure how those things slipped past the techs, but oh well. That kind of thing is what makes me worry.


Silver Member
I would return the phone to Verizon since you are still within your 30 day return period. Then you could run over to a Bestbuy or Walmart and pick one up from them. If you do this, let Verizon know about it because that seems pretty ****ty.