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d1 owner - time to upgrade?



I am a happy d1 owner completely stock. 3rd one I've owned due to black screens. But, still love it.

My sister is trying to take advantage of the Fascinate deal and has hit me up to get another phone. I'm thinking Droid X, Droid 2 or Fascinate. I'd really like the R2-D2 but I don't think Verizon will honor that one for the deal.

My question is, should take advantage of one of many upgrades in our family plan and get a new droid at this point? Or should I wait and see what happens in January with the rumored iPhone?

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My opinion -- go try all of the new Android phones. One will be a winner. As for the iPhone on VZW heard that one before so I'll believe it when I see it.

By some miracle should the iPhone move to VZW why would you want one? You current Droid offers much more. I was a former iPhone user and I have no regrets returning to VZW and Android.

My two cents.

iPhone? ehhhhhh :)

Just razzing ya...

Personally, I'd hang out to your D1 and wait and see what Android offerings are coming the end of this year, start of next year.

If nothing then.... then maybe, just maybe, we'll let you consider an iPhone... but not without harsh criticism :)

I'm hanging onto my D1 still because nothing has come out that is enough of a leap forward for me to purchase.
Thanks for the input guys. If it wasn't for the buy one get any thing deal, I would be holding on to my d1 till the wheels fell off and they couldn't replace it anymore. But, with that in mind, would you drop $100 for an X, 2, Fascinate or incredible? I mean I can always reactivate my d1 right?
Another bit of info...

I'm on a family plan with 5 lines. My sis and I are the only ones who take advantage of the upgrades. So, if I do decide to pull the trigger on this, I can probably swing an upgrade once something else worthy comes along.

Just seems like a great opportunity to grab another smartphone for cheap to have as a backup or to keep my D1 pristine as a backup...
Thanks for the input guys. If it wasn't for the buy one get any thing deal, I would be holding on to my d1 till the wheels fell off and they couldn't replace it anymore. But, with that in mind, would you drop $100 for an X, 2, Fascinate or incredible? I mean I can always reactivate my d1 right?
Yes you can always reactivate your D1.

If you're keeping the D1.... the D2 might just be more of the same (although many who have upgraded love the device)
if you want a keyboard, go with the d2, if not, go with the X, no question. The fascinate is just meh, and the incredible is outclassed hard by the d2 and X.
im a happy d1 owner myself, but have an upgrade itch. there were rumors of some great phones coming out very early next year. powerful chips front facing camera and 8mp+ back camera. i agree that the current generation of phones isnt that great of an upgrade {although i like the X's big screen}. and im sure i would regret upgrading come early 2011. plus that generation of phones "SHOUD" be getting the next os upgrade, whereas the phones available now may not get it and or future os upgrades...
Yeah, I need to get to a verizon store and play around with the devices.

The X seems really cool but might be too big for me. I'm a front pocket guy.

The Fascinate sounds cool but heard a lot about lag and the bloat ware and such. I'm not going to root it.

The 2 may be the way to go. Not a huge difference between mine and that one but if I love the 1 I'll probably love the 2 as well right?

Thanks again for input.
My next phone will have 3.0 on it when released. That's what I'm waiting for. Unless some monster drops with 2.2 in the next few months.
if you want a keyboard, go with the d2, if not, go with the X, no question. The fascinate is just meh, and the incredible is outclassed hard by the d2 and X.

good point. I NEVER use my keyboard. But, the thing feels great in the hands and at least for now feels like the right size for me.

Perhaps I could get used to an x...
I'm holding out on getting a new super phone, my Droid is still running like a champ, but im anticipating that mysterious evo Verizon phone that bgr reported a few weeks ago, nothing on the market looks that good
Buy one get one is great!!! Because without it, I'd never have gotten a Droid yet. My wifes phone was outdated and beat down (because she seems to have butter hands). I went to get her a new phone and the deal was get a D1 free if you buy a D1. So what the heck, I got got myself one too.

Too me, the D1 (or Droid in general) is like DVR.. how in the hell did I ever live without it? And, I will not go without it from this point forward.

I was just some noob buying a phone. No idea what was in store. MAN AM I GLAD... I got the D1 and not the X or the incredible. The things I have learned and the customization I have been able to achieve are preiceless to me but, I am an electronics geek.

If possible, I would/will run this phone into the ground before I upgrade. And I will then upgrade my wife and run her D1 into the ground 1st.