Silver Member
well i bought the bionic back on September 22nd an had ups an downs with the bionic the main problem i had with it was well of course the data. just to give u guys an idea how heavily i rely on the data usage i live out in BFE an ISPs charge an arm an a leg for a simple 1.5 mbs internet connection ($60 bucks a month) which i pretty much need internet for my daily life bills,jobs,info ect. well after i got fed up with all the problems i called VZW an they just replaced my bionic with a Droid 4 free of charge last Monday an i loooooooooooove the new Droid 4. it made my bionic look like a red headed step child that moto should never have had released. the Droid 4 is the type of phone i paid for not the bionic. If i had a say in it i would have had moto recall all the bionics an have them replace everyone's phone with a moto device of there choosing (provided they wish to stay with moto after the **** up with the bionic) but like my grandpa always said to me when i was younger sh** in one hand and wish in the other an see which ones fill faster. but all in all i am glad i have the Droid 4 an that i am finally out from under that $300 paper weight. all we can do for those that are still experiencing problems is hope that VZW will switch out there phones or the ICS update (god knows when that will come seeing moto never has there priorities straight) will fix the phone as a whole.