Hi guys, I'm back and I have a few questions.
Does the sense launcher drain extra battery?
Does having different launcher disable the stock sense launcher?
This is why I asked, yesterday I posted that at 1:30 (6:30 hours) I had 30% battery, however, since i've been flashing roms left and right, I had not fully configured my phone that way i had it. so last night I loaded ADWLauncher EX and configured the phone the way I had done with my stock rom.
I'm going now almost on 11 hours (10 hours and 44 minutes) and I'm on 34%
which to me is amazing, this is same usage from every day. I leave 4G on, wifi and gps on, I do disable all syncs except gmail. again, this is my every day set up.
So I was wondering if the launcher made a difference which is about the main thing i changed from yesterday... oh yeah and I also placed a shortcut of quickreboot on the desktop that when i used a few apps i just click quickreboot.