Any one else notice Droid is no longer on the Verizon Homepage?


Dec 16, 2009
Reaction score
Manchester, CT
Not sure of the significance of this but I was just on and usually one of the flash ads at the top is for the Droid. Not anymore. I would have thought that this would remain a flagship device at least until the N1 hit Verizon if not even longer.
I wouldn't think that not having it on the homepage no longer makes it a flagship device. Is there a better featured Android device currently on Verizon?
Sigh....this is how bad rumors get started. I don't think it means anything, I think they changed their home page. They do this frequently.
No there's not a better featured device....

But the Droid old news now.... :(
Mine definitely is not to me......I mean with the market and the media

I LOVE my Droid in every way and would not have another phone....
Sigh....this is how bad rumors get started. I don't think it means anything, I think they changed their home page. They do this frequently.

Wasn't starting a rumor which is why I started with "I'm not sure of the significance of this" I come to this forum to get information not put down because I noticed something that I didn't understand and brought it here to see other peoples opinions if there were any significance to it or not.
The marketing dollars spent on ads/billboards/commercials is what brings them new customers. Not front page visibility.

They need to get OTHER product some visibility since the ads/billboards/commercials cover their flagship.

You'll notice as well all the ads on the net dedicated to the Droid. People click through to find the Droid not a Blackberry or LG etc etc.....
For some reason I decided to go check AT&T's site and they still have the iDon't 3GS on the home page,but its on the 3rd slide.
Don't know about others, but using Firefox on my desktop system I frequently wait and wait and wait and wait for the VZW website to link to another web page. A click has now been "loading" for five minutes.

If I chose my phone on the basis of the competence and usability of the carrier's website, I certainly wouldn't be a Verizon customer.
I just went to page giant DROID on it when I log in :icon_ banana:
Sigh....this is how bad rumors get started. I don't think it means anything, I think they changed their home page. They do this frequently.

Wasn't starting a rumor which is why I started with "I'm not sure of the significance of this" I come to this forum to get information not put down because I noticed something that I didn't understand and brought it here to see other peoples opinions if there were any significance to it or not.

You didn't mean to start a rumor, but this is exactly what gets the ball rolling in that direction. And my response was in no way meant to put you down, I'm expressing what I think is going to happen as a result of the post.
People are going to be like "omgwtf no more Droid on the homepage they must be discontinuing it!!!" Droid being old news comment was like mostly sarcasm....gawd