Ok, so, this is just my God honest opinion and in no way did I write this with intentions of Trolling, bashing or one siding the subject. These are simply my thoughts and conclusions and should be treated as such. Thanks in advance but feel free to give your straightforward .02
My wife decided to ditch her Razr for a Nexus so I've had time to really play with it, unlock it, root it...
Android 4.0 in its Vanilla form is definitely far more polished then any Vanilla Android OS thus far... Is it iPhone gorgeous? No, but nonetheless, it is far better then tolerable. Android 1.5-2.3 Vanilla is horrid (and I do mean horrid) where manufacturer skins are actually a plus (minus the extras) albeit heavy and resource hungry. However, 4.0 is seriously going to come down to choice, no longer preference. It really does look good...
Sense good? Meh... Some if it is, some of it isn't... Blur good? Much better...
The thing is speedy when it comes down to just using the phone rummaging through settings, menus and small apps but I can definitely tell there is still a bit of speed optimization that needs to be done...
For instance, I loaded a Christmas layered live wall paper on my wifes Razr, may it rest in peace, and in spite of the demand of the wallpaper, switching from screen to screen wasn't much different then using a standard wallpaper... On my Rezound this has not been an issue... You would think they would respond similarly given the identical hardware specs however, on the Nexus, not so much... It doesn't come to a screeching halt, but the jittery behavior is definitely noticeable... We could chop it up to previous gen gpu plus 720p resolution at 316ppi or, seeing that gpu is anything but sluggish, it is more than likely just some optimizations that need to happen...
There is also some delay present switching out of apps via the back button, as well as exiting the app drawer or exiting the settings menu. Nothing to gripe about. However using the multitasking function is much more responsive and far smoother an experience then using the Xoom...
Nobody's fault but Googles...
Let's talk screens... Most likely the touchiest subject between the 3 top devices at the moment...
Razr VS Rezound screen... I don't care how many ways you chop it up and try n hash it out, the Rezound just very simply has the better screen...
However, between the Nexus and Rezound it gets a bit stickier...
Samsung did something on this screen they have never really done in the past... Instead of the colors being a very "plasma tv" like experience, it actually ends up falling somewhere between Plasma and LCD.
Unlike every last one of the Amoleds before the Nexus, the saturation of colors and perfect darks, just from what I've seen tonight, are actually fairly accurate and the blacks not nearly as deep and rich as my wifes old Fascinate per say... I'm honestly not sure what to make of it? It's still a nice looking screen but, something is very different this time around...
The pixelation that was very present in the Razr via PenTile matrix is NOWHERE as present in the Nexus. At over 300 ppi, I would hope so! Jobs said that the term retina was used to label iPhones display because at 300 or more ppi, the average naked eye cannot make out a screens pixels. I've found this to be relatively true thus far. Here is my issue, the Nexus' screen just isn't as crisp as a 300+ pixel screen should be. Especially when HTC and Apple are your competitors. Straight lines are still visually jagged (nothing like the Razr but still jagged), the colors seem to bleed a bit more then usual and everything seems a bit washed out compared to every other Amoled I've used... Compared to an SLCD however, the Amoled still has richer colors and blacks are still deeper. I was excited and really was expecting a Rezound like crispness with huge pops of color and super blacks. Somehow, it fell short of what I was expecting. Is it a deal breaker? Hell no, just not quite what I was expecting and has me a bit confused as it kind of caught me off guard...
I really do wish they would have done away withe PenTile matrix and went with good ol original SAMOLED+...
The build quality is excellent! Well, other then the paper of a representation they call a battery door. However it fits and doesn't seem to come loose too easy at all... Compared to every plastic Samsung device I've ever owned, used or touched, this is leaps and bounds a better feel. No more high gloss slippery mishaps, broken screens by bending over with your phone in your pocket, or feather weight devices that are easily forgotten and left for harm...
This thing is heavy enough to like, light enough to wow and sturdy enough to make you question if Samsung actually made it? Good job Sammy, keep it up!!!
The buttons at the bottom of the screen aren't too hard to use but, let me tell you, coming from the standard setup, you actually have to think when your using the Nexus. However, not sure if others have noticed, depending on the task, in the far right hand corner there will pop up a dedicated settings button that looks much like a street divider. So the dedicated settings button isn't over and done with, it just pops up when you need it. A welcomed inclusion. I have to play with it some more but as of right now, I'm leaning towards actually liking the capacitive dedicated standard setup much better...
The camera is nothing to fret about, but its nothing to praise either... It's actually much like the Xooms camera in clarity, light sensitivity and colors... Nothing great, but far from horrible... I haven't tried the video recording as of yet...
Overall, the phone is pretty bad a** and Android 4.0 is packing some serious potential. I actually feel that the Razr and Rezound, as of now, are far more responsive but I'm sure that will soon change. The extra features like NFC etc are more or less just the cherry on top so I won't try to address those.
So needless to say, if it wasn't for my Rezound, I'd definitely be rockin a Nexus...
I'll get back with you guys in a few days with battery results...
I'm impressed, how bout you? Sound off...
My Rezound Rocks the Red n Black... Get over it... Now to get this thing rooted
Nice review, I'm still having trouble deciding between the Rezound, and Nexus. I think I need to spend more time with both to really formulate an opinion.
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