A fresh take on the Infamous Galaxy Nexus...

Ok, so, this is just my God honest opinion and in no way did I write this with intentions of Trolling, bashing or one siding the subject. These are simply my thoughts and conclusions and should be treated as such. Thanks in advance but feel free to give your straightforward .02

My wife decided to ditch her Razr for a Nexus so I've had time to really play with it, unlock it, root it...

Android 4.0 in its Vanilla form is definitely far more polished then any Vanilla Android OS thus far... Is it iPhone gorgeous? No, but nonetheless, it is far better then tolerable. Android 1.5-2.3 Vanilla is horrid (and I do mean horrid) where manufacturer skins are actually a plus (minus the extras) albeit heavy and resource hungry. However, 4.0 is seriously going to come down to choice, no longer preference. It really does look good...

Sense good? Meh... Some if it is, some of it isn't... Blur good? Much better...

The thing is speedy when it comes down to just using the phone rummaging through settings, menus and small apps but I can definitely tell there is still a bit of speed optimization that needs to be done...

For instance, I loaded a Christmas layered live wall paper on my wifes Razr, may it rest in peace, and in spite of the demand of the wallpaper, switching from screen to screen wasn't much different then using a standard wallpaper... On my Rezound this has not been an issue... You would think they would respond similarly given the identical hardware specs however, on the Nexus, not so much... It doesn't come to a screeching halt, but the jittery behavior is definitely noticeable... We could chop it up to previous gen gpu plus 720p resolution at 316ppi or, seeing that gpu is anything but sluggish, it is more than likely just some optimizations that need to happen...

There is also some delay present switching out of apps via the back button, as well as exiting the app drawer or exiting the settings menu. Nothing to gripe about. However using the multitasking function is much more responsive and far smoother an experience then using the Xoom...

Nobody's fault but Googles...

Let's talk screens... Most likely the touchiest subject between the 3 top devices at the moment...

Razr VS Rezound screen... I don't care how many ways you chop it up and try n hash it out, the Rezound just very simply has the better screen...

However, between the Nexus and Rezound it gets a bit stickier...

Samsung did something on this screen they have never really done in the past... Instead of the colors being a very "plasma tv" like experience, it actually ends up falling somewhere between Plasma and LCD.

Unlike every last one of the Amoleds before the Nexus, the saturation of colors and perfect darks, just from what I've seen tonight, are actually fairly accurate and the blacks not nearly as deep and rich as my wifes old Fascinate per say... I'm honestly not sure what to make of it? It's still a nice looking screen but, something is very different this time around...

The pixelation that was very present in the Razr via PenTile matrix is NOWHERE as present in the Nexus. At over 300 ppi, I would hope so! Jobs said that the term retina was used to label iPhones display because at 300 or more ppi, the average naked eye cannot make out a screens pixels. I've found this to be relatively true thus far. Here is my issue, the Nexus' screen just isn't as crisp as a 300+ pixel screen should be. Especially when HTC and Apple are your competitors. Straight lines are still visually jagged (nothing like the Razr but still jagged), the colors seem to bleed a bit more then usual and everything seems a bit washed out compared to every other Amoled I've used... Compared to an SLCD however, the Amoled still has richer colors and blacks are still deeper. I was excited and really was expecting a Rezound like crispness with huge pops of color and super blacks. Somehow, it fell short of what I was expecting. Is it a deal breaker? Hell no, just not quite what I was expecting and has me a bit confused as it kind of caught me off guard...

I really do wish they would have done away withe PenTile matrix and went with good ol original SAMOLED+...

The build quality is excellent! Well, other then the paper of a representation they call a battery door. However it fits and doesn't seem to come loose too easy at all... Compared to every plastic Samsung device I've ever owned, used or touched, this is leaps and bounds a better feel. No more high gloss slippery mishaps, broken screens by bending over with your phone in your pocket, or feather weight devices that are easily forgotten and left for harm...

This thing is heavy enough to like, light enough to wow and sturdy enough to make you question if Samsung actually made it? Good job Sammy, keep it up!!!

The buttons at the bottom of the screen aren't too hard to use but, let me tell you, coming from the standard setup, you actually have to think when your using the Nexus. However, not sure if others have noticed, depending on the task, in the far right hand corner there will pop up a dedicated settings button that looks much like a street divider. So the dedicated settings button isn't over and done with, it just pops up when you need it. A welcomed inclusion. I have to play with it some more but as of right now, I'm leaning towards actually liking the capacitive dedicated standard setup much better...

The camera is nothing to fret about, but its nothing to praise either... It's actually much like the Xooms camera in clarity, light sensitivity and colors... Nothing great, but far from horrible... I haven't tried the video recording as of yet...

Overall, the phone is pretty bad a** and Android 4.0 is packing some serious potential. I actually feel that the Razr and Rezound, as of now, are far more responsive but I'm sure that will soon change. The extra features like NFC etc are more or less just the cherry on top so I won't try to address those.

So needless to say, if it wasn't for my Rezound, I'd definitely be rockin a Nexus...

I'll get back with you guys in a few days with battery results...

I'm impressed, how bout you? Sound off...

My Rezound Rocks the Red n Black... Get over it... Now to get this thing rooted

Nice review, I'm still having trouble deciding between the Rezound, and Nexus. I think I need to spend more time with both to really formulate an opinion.

Sent from my Cellular telecommunications device, manufactured by Motorola.
unless you know someone that owns either of the devices you wont get a true feel for the nuances of each. Playing with it in the store doesn't only helps a little, but not alot. You have to really get deep into each phone for about a week. I say buy the phone that you are least inclined to get FIRST, that way when you take it back then you get the phone you really wanted to get initially and you can say you tried the other phone and it wasn't for you. Let's just hope the phone that you traded in the least preferred option for turns out as good as you'd hoped or else you might either be stuck with it or spend X amount of dollars to get the other option back.
unless you know someone that owns either of the devices you wont get a true feel for the nuances of each. Playing with it in the store doesn't only helps a little, but not alot. You have to really get deep into each phone for about a week. I say buy the phone that you are least inclined to get FIRST, that way when you take it back then you get the phone you really wanted to get initially and you can say you tried the other phone and it wasn't for you. Let's just hope the phone that you traded in the least preferred option for turns out as good as you'd hoped or else you might either be stuck with it or spend X amount of dollars to get the other option back.

This is actually a great idea. For me, I always wind up getting them all.. eventually...lol

Motorola Droid Razr™
Yea a quick spin through a phone standing in the store really does nothing. For a device that you may own for 20+ months it is worth taking them home and really getting to know them. It's cool to see how the different mfg's do things like alarm snooze/cancel, how you answer the phone etc. Stuff like that.
I had the Nexus for a week before switching to the Rezound. I agree with all of the OP's review

Both phones are exceptional but I just couldn't get past the size of the Nexus. Regardless of its' weight, the Nexus felt huge in my pocket, and uncomfortable in my hand. My hands are average sized, but I had to reposition the phone in my hand when reaching to the other side of the screen with my thumb for one handed operation. The wideness and squareness made it feel unnatural to hold whereas the roundness of the back of the Rezound is much more natural even though it is much thicker.

ICS is awesome, and I can't wait for the Rezound to get it. As for the screens, the colors of the amoled screen of the Nexus definitely has more pop. However, when you compare the the two screens side-by-side, looking at a website with a white background, the whites of the Rezound screen are much whiter. The make the Nexus screen look yellow by comparison.

NFC will be great someday, but that is probably at least two year away and by then we can upgrade to the latest and greatest then anyway. Just my two cents! :p
This is indeed a decent post. I would love to see more of this sort rather than the heavy hate and "mine better" lol..Thanks brother...I was able to use a rezound for a few days. I really love the screen ..HTC has always had this area covered. I have a few HTC devices. And they always seem to be great devices. A few minus factors but over all another top competitor worth checking out. The nexus is to me, the dev device ..this is why I must have it. I know it has to be much better than the nexus S ..I have repaired many of them. They are still amazing. But the improvements on the the Gnex are as well worth a looking into. We really have some decent choices. My only complaint is too many out too soon. Honestly i spend too much trying to keep all of them. Lol. But being a repair guy / retail I do get to play with many devices as well as monitor which are coming in and why...lol peace!

Motorola Droid Razr™
Now that the Gnex is out, I think this generation of 4G phones will be the holding pattern for a while. Most of them are pretty good now and the prices will eventually drop more. Many (or a little bit) of improvements will be made to all of them and they all will shine. Now quad core phones...not buying into it yet. Not going to be the first wave guinea pig on that. Plus how much fast do you want your phone to get? How much faster can it get? And it will only be by mere milliseconds or nano seconds. Big whoop. And if you are looking for the quad core for gaming, well I got a huge TV and PC with cores galore for all that. This generation is the generation to last a while. Just my opinion though.
These are great problems to have! It wasn't too long ago that we were all complaining about how VZW has a terrible phone lineup compared to the competition!
I know I'm late, been workin my tail off! Sorry I haven't been involved and hope everyone is having a great 2012 thus far...

My ReZound rocks the Red-N-Black... Get over it...
I will admit it... the Gnex and Razr are very similar! Aside from different versions of android and a different contour, the devices are near equal.

They are both thin and light. They are both smooth and fast. The battery life has been about the same and I can't give the nod in either direction. Signal strength has been better on the razr, but the Gnex performs just as well even though it is showing a weaker signal.

Using automatic brightness I have to say that the razr is brighter, even with the battery saver selected. When turning automatic brightness off and adjusting the sliders, the Gnex is just as bright as the Razr when cranked up... yet slightly dimmer at the lowest. Both displays have been easy to see in various situations with possibly a slight nod to the Razr in outdoor situations. I think this is due to the automatic brightness on the Gnex always being dimmer than what the Razr sets itself to.

I do like the build quality of the razr more than the plastic feel of the gnex. The battery door on the gnex will be lucky to survive 18months of use... but that's my opinion. However neither of these devices are bullet proof, even if Kevlar is present on one of them.

This comes from someone who actually owns and uses both devices. I could go on and on... but that's for another post on a future date. :)
I agree 100% I also own and use both..And love them both for different reasons...
Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
I agree 100% I also own and use both..And love them both for different reasons...
Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums

Thank you for the facts and opinions. This was a pleasant read. No hate. Thanks indeed.


You've been tapped by the Drummer...
OP, you and I are completely opposite as far as possession goes. I have the Nexus and I bought my wife the Rezound. Your poll is difficult to answer for me, let me tell you why:

Now, first understand that I'm a Tech Nut, Geek, Nerd, Overclocker, can't leave anything alone kinda guy. I knew I wanted the Nexus because it had awesome hardware and was pure Google. The day after I bought it, I unlocked the bootloader, rooted it, installed a custom kernel and a custom Rom (in my sig). I giggled to myself the whole time purely enjoying the experience. I watch my videos with a grin going ear to ear just savoring the display. I run AnTuTu benchmarking as I tinker, giddy with anticipation as the scores keep climbing (currently have a high score of 6123). I'm very pleased with my purchase and don't regret it at all. Sure, there are some things I miss, but I'll make due with what Samsung gave me. And ICS is so much better than GB.

Now on to my wife's phone, the Rezound. I bought her the extended battery w/ cover and a Extended Battery Hard Rubber Cases for HTC Rezound that really make it comfortable to hold in your hand. More comfortable than my Nexus. Her display is gorgeous and the fact that it has removable storage is really awesome. I know that I have 32 gigs of storage and the virtual storage is faster to access than any SD card, but the ability to remove and replace is still a nice feature of the Rezound that the Nexus doesn't have. Also, it's my impression that the build quality of the Rezound is superior to my Nexus. I just seems more sturdy. But my Nexus is not frail by any means. Oh, and I really like Sence 3.5. I'm actaually envious of it because it has features I wish my phone possessed and I didn't see it slowing the phone down at all.

We both have great 4G reception in our home and neither of us have any complaints in that category. Phone calls sound great on both ends. I've called her phone and vise versa to hear both. Both sounded the same in my opinion. Both phones take great pictures, but I have to give the nod to the Rezound at this time. I'm sure the Sammy camera will get better with software updates.

So which phone did I vote for in the grand scheme of things owning both phones?

The Rezound.

If I didn't like to tinker so much and the phone came unlocked, like the Nexus, I would own one too. Maybe someday the Rezound will get an unlocked bootloader and get perma root and maybe I will buy one used. Time will tell.

Interesting poll and topic OP. Thanks for reading.

So did u ever buy one used??? ;-)

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
Never saw this thread until today. At this point in time...after using both...I voted neither. I woulda said the Rezound when I first got it, but not anymore. I exchanged my G Nex for a Rezound on 1-14. Had the G Nex for 2 weeks.

For my wants n needs...neither one could measure up. I would give a slight edge to the Rezound tho. I still may try exchanging my Rezound to see if it does better. Most of these recent phones are good, great in their own way. I have a feeling I may be hanging on to what I have now for longer than 2 years. I need to see increases in battery life for me to get a new phone.
Never saw this thread until today. At this point in time...after using both...I voted neither. I woulda said the Rezound when I first got it, but not anymore. I exchanged my G Nex for a Rezound on 1-14. Had the G Nex for 2 weeks.

For my wants n needs...neither one could measure up. I would give a slight edge to the Rezound tho. I still may try exchanging my Rezound to see if it does better. Most of these recent phones are good, great in their own way. I have a feeling I may be hanging on to what I have now for longer than 2 years. I need to see increases in battery life for me to get a new phone.

I'm happy enough with mine but for those that need way more juice without a bit of time to charge, the maxx is doing well from my understanding ..


You've been tapped by the Drummer...