Screenshots of peoples Droid desktops?





Bugless beast at 1ghz
gde with no theme yet becuase he just changed the framework-res for it

I've been looking all over the place for that messaging widget, where can I get it? I really want it!!!!!
It comes standard with gde you cant buy it sorry. You must buy GDE first wich i think is a very good home replacement app. You also get a widget that si scrollable to put ur apps in.
Mine :D

Alright, these are 3 of my screens using SweeterHome + DarkEdge. Just made it today, I like it. The screen messed up my 3rd screenshot, but it looks a lot different than that lol :D. Love it!
Yep like i said it come with the home replacement GDE you cant use it on any other home app other than GDE

the widget above the power options- the one that says "michelle" on the top

people have already answered you each time. You need the gde application from the market. Is this font size big enough for you?