Screen cracked all by itself!!


New Member
Got home from work today sat down, checked some emails on my phone, then plugged it in to charge on the table beside me. I took a shower and when I came out to check for messages on the device the glass had a single crack from the top to the about half way down the right side. What the hell? I had this phone for about 7 days and havnt so much as fumbled it in my hands. Since the Rogers store didnt open until 12pm, I decided to do some research about this and see if this problem has affected anyone else. To my surprise this is a well noted issue with these phones, yet I see nowhere that Motorola has stepped up to issue a notice or recall reguarding this. Why?

So I took my phone in to the store and the employee was amazed as well, since the phone is in mint shape and definatly doest apear to be abused. He's sending it off to be repaired and I was told I could incurr a bill if Motorola deems that it was abused. I hope Motorola actually looks into this conitinuing problem with this model and just doesnt rubber stamp my phone as being abused. I will keep everyone posted, and Motorola, HEADS UP with this defect.


Yes it is a problem, percentage wise a small problem. Thought they had it worked out though.

And a good welcome to the forum, under less than joyous circumstances.


New Member
Happened to me too. Verizon said it wasn't covered under warranty. I was passed. Phone was only a few months old, sent to me by Verizon as a replacement for a non working Thunderbolt.


New Member
I have found that the Otterbox was the culprit. It puts too much stress on the phone as it fits very very snug. Was yours in one? BTW, mine wasnt covered under warranty either. Gorilla glass my A$$.
I have found that the Otterbox was the culprit. It puts too much stress on the phone as it fits very very snug. Was yours in one? BTW, mine wasnt covered under warranty either. Gorilla glass my A$$.

Gorilla Glass is just some marketing gimmick, YES its a nice touch, but in no way shape or form anti-crack or anti- scratch, it may HELP a little, but thats it. Sapphire glass is the way to go. iPhone6 MAY have it.

Sapphire, while about $20 more per phone (which is a steal if you ask me) will NOT break, not crack, not scratch, AND can be THINNER than whats out there.

But as being in the business of selling digis and LCDs.... its a money pit, you have NO idea how big the market for screens are, now that 60% of cell phone users have smartphones. These companies BANK on you breaking the screen, trust me.

Its like making a car that will never rust or breakdown, never gonna happen. I can guarantee you one thing... as much as I hate to say it... the iPhone is so hurting right now after the blows its been getting... that the next iPhone will not only have a screen between 4.7" and 5", it will be unbreakable.

I knew all the iPhone5 specs MONTHS before it came out. Not only that, we already BOUGHT black market OEM LCD screens for the iphone5 THREE WEEKS before it came out, already passed customs via DHL and landed in out warehouse.

My contacts in China are saying there will be 2 iphones, the 5S and then the premium 6.

My father called me "crazy" when I told him the iPhone5 would be a 4" screen and the earbuds would be different, even AFTER I sent him pics... then it came out and it was one big face palm.

Anyway, I will stop rambling on, but Gorilla Glass... its, like you said, a joke.