[Release] OFFICIAL DroidForums themed ROM.!

very nice update guys...........now for some custom icons and some minor tweks..but a great way to kick this off
This afternoon I was using my camera and could hear the camera clicks. Is there a way to remove the sounds in this ROM?
I'll get them removed.. :)
thought i did, but must have slipped.. sorry..
No problem! I much prefer the silence :)

if you have root explorer navigate to the
and delete or Rename the file
Woody...I went in with Root Explorer, and got to here...now where?

Here's what happened this time (got same message when I tried to rename it also).

You have to mount the system as RW.. Click the tab in the upper right corner of the app.. Ur system must be mounted as rw before u can change anything.. Also after u delete it remount ur system as ro by clicking that tab again..
You have to mount the system as RW.. Click the tab in the upper right corner of the app.. Ur system must be mounted as rw before u can change anything.. Also after u delete it remount ur system as ro by clicking that tab again..
Ok, that worked! Thanks for showing this old man some new things. :) Oh, and I ended up renaming the file, because, well you never know!
You have to mount the system as RW.. Click the tab in the upper right corner of the app.. Ur system must be mounted as rw before u can change anything.. Also after u delete it remount ur system as ro by clicking that tab again..
Ok, that worked! Thanks for showing this old man some new things. :) Oh, and I ended up renaming the file, because, well you never know!

Lol.. No problem man.. It's always nice to know how someone did something.. :)