Refurbished? By whom?.. Monkeys?


Every refurbished D1 they send me is junk.. I'm on droid number 3 after my original got loose in the headphone jack area. 2nd had small dust particles literally colonizing UNDER the glass. 3 times the charm? Nope.. Could barely even slide it open it was so messed up. I could turn the screen at about a 10 degree angle to the keypad.. Soo, lucky number four is on it's way. I've rooted and unrooted all of em.


Super Moderator
The one I got is fine, other than a loose USB port -- and it's not THAT loose, just looser than the one I had first that had fallen on the plugged-in USB cable a couple times... But it works fine and is tight as a drum elsewhere.

The CPU won't take LV kernels, though. Shame. My old one would run 1.2ULV kernels.


Yeah, that's [not right]. We pay for new phones initially, and when it breaks, even though we have insurance on it, they give us some one else's used phone. That's not right at all

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Active Member
Hey, they only make so many of these things and it's a couple months shy of being a year and a half old....that is almost ancient in tech years.

I am not surprised that supply has gone down to refurb'd models

I kill threads


Silver Member
Welcome to the club. Although I had wonderful luck with my D1....I have been through 7 or 9 D2's....all of them with their own flaws.


After my wife's third failed replacement they gave her an early upgrade... you should consider that if you're not content with #5...

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