Multiple issues


New Member
Jul 23, 2010
Reaction score
Columbus Ohio
I have had my Droid for 3 weeks now and I have to it replaced already, unfortunately they are still on backorder until August 30th. UGH!!! So I have to constantly reboot, the battery keeps over heating or not charging, the screen constantly freezes, when I try to text it kicks me back to the home screen and none of the caller ids show up, then if I use Swype it stops swyping before I get to the 2nd letter. Not to mention the low volume when I play music on the phone. And for contacts that I have no photo of, the green android doesn't appear. Also after I take the battery out over the last few days, it will take as long as the Blackberry Strorm 1 and 2 to reboot. Needless to say, my Droid experience isn't very happy at this point.
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I had a storm1 before I got my droid x. It froze ALL THE TIME! My droid x is alot better than the bb but it is starting to freeze up to. I run the task killer and all that so I don't know what else to do. Overall, still a great phone though.
I am brand new to the droid world... fresh from 3yrs of blackberry world... so I am open to all advice
I am brand new to the droid world... fresh from 3yrs of blackberry world... so I am open to all advice

since you got a DX, id check this out. i put it together over at DxF but it applies to most android phones

New To Android? CHECK THiS OUT!

lots of great information, esp. with the task killing and such. didnt realize how robust the OS's resource manager was. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside :heart::heart::heart:

Oddly enough, I am still having issues with the phone, so I took some apps off wit no improvement. Then something said to take the program Antivirus off and then I downloaded the anitvirus called Lookout and although the other issues are still there I am able to get a full charge on the phone now. It wouldn't hold a charge or charge up at times. So that is a plus, now as far as the freezing up and getting kicked out of my text messages that is a whole other issue. :greendroid:

Don't get me wrong, I love the Droid X, I may have just gotten that one bad seed! I hope.....
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