LG Ally Soon to Get Froyo Update


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX
LG Ally VS740.jpg

If you or someone you know owns the LG Ally, they have good news. The phone is scheduled to get the Froyo update very soon. The update is VS740ZVD, and of course brings several Froyo goodies with it, but it may be possible that not all features will work. When you get it, let us know in the forums.

Source: AndroidCentral
Good for them! My gf no longer has an Ally, she sold it to a coworker (She now has the Droid2Global in White), but I'm glad LG is finally making good on their promise!
I've got an ally, and I can't wait to snag froyo...I'm drooling

662 JØ|{å 662 (LG Ally)
my wife has the ally and she loves it. the only real complaint for me with the phone seems sluggish due to all the damned bloatware installed on it. but hopefully 2.2 does some good for the phone. NOW IF WE CAN JUST GET 2.2 ON THE DAMN FASCINATE!
It did seem sluggish, I got an app killer widget and about every 20 mins it kills 20-40 apps then its fast as day 1, the fact apps are all taking up phone space ect...also slows it down 2.2 will be a blessing on the ally

662 JØ|{å 662 (LG Ally)