HTC keyboard on DROID -non-root-


Question: is the only way to enable predictive text for the HW keyboard is to tap in the field again, like another poster said? That's the only way it works me.

This is an amazing app. It just became my default.

I believe this is the case, after messing around with the settings pretty extensively.


You seem to know the XDA developing community pretty well. Is the developer who created this someone who is trusted and well known? Again, I just want to make sure everything is ok, before I start typing in passwords.


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Question: is the only way to enable predictive text for the HW keyboard is to tap in the field again, like another poster said? That's the only way it works me.

This is an amazing app. It just became my default.

I believe this is the case, after messing around with the settings pretty extensively.


You seem to know the XDA developing community pretty well. Is the developer who created this someone who is trusted and well known? Again, I just want to make sure everything is ok, before I start typing in passwords.

DUDE its teh internetz....if ya dont trust, dont install.
I know NOTHING about the devs behind XDA!


It's because it is the internet, I am trying to be careful. In order to trust or not, I would first have to gather background info.

Either way, good find. Using this as my standard keyboard.


Question: is the only way to enable predictive text for the HW keyboard is to tap in the field again, like another poster said? That's the only way it works me.

This is an amazing app. It just became my default.

I was having problems getting the hardware prediction to work, and found that disabling the other input methods (Android Keyboard and Mobile Write which I had installed) fixed it right up. I didnt even have to have the file in the root directory.


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Theme Developer
Question: is the only way to enable predictive text for the HW keyboard is to tap in the field again, like another poster said? That's the only way it works me.

This is an amazing app. It just became my default.

I was having problems getting the hardware prediction to work, and found that disabling the other input methods (Android Keyboard and Mobile Write which I had installed) fixed it right up. I didnt even have to have the file in the root directory.

If you just tap the text field after sliding open the keyboard the prediction will work even with the other keyboard apps enabled.


Err, bug/unwanted feature.

In both Dolphin and the stock browser, pressing the space bar while typing in the URL bar results in the space being replaced with ".com". Obviously, for people like myself who like to use the url bar as a search bar, this sucks and is unwanted.

I uninstalled the HTC_IME file and it was back to normal. :(


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Theme Developer
Err, bug/unwanted feature.

In both Dolphin and the stock browser, pressing the space bar while typing in the URL bar results in the space being replaced with ".com". Obviously, for people like myself who like to use the url bar as a search bar, this sucks and is unwanted.

I uninstalled the HTC_IME file and it was back to normal. :(

Did you try the "Space Hack" in Touch Input settings? It adds a space bar beside the ".com".


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Theme Developer
BTW, the Space Hack feature is described under "Features" in the first post of this thread....RTFM :)


What is the easiest way to switch between keyboard languages? I #'ed everything out except English and Spanish (the ones I need), but to switch I have to go into Settings / Keyboard Settings / Touch Settings / Language and choose.

I find myself fighting with the prediction feature everytime I go native... :icon_ devil: