Grandfathered unlimited data plan, not if your upgrading from 3g to 4G

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Nov 24, 2010
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Maybe I'm the only 1 but I just found out that if you have a 3g phone with an unlimited data plan,(grandfathered from 7/7) and upgrade to a 4g phone, you will lose your unlimited data and be forced into a tiered plan. I've been holding out with my OG droid waiting for the bionic even though I was eligible for upgrade. Now I find out this. I feel like a real moron for waiting. I was under the assumption that my 3g data plan would transfer but the verizon sales rep told me otherwise. Sorry if this disappoints anybody.
That rep is full of it.

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That is incorrect. I went from a 3g to a 4g phone after the 7th and kept unlimited data. The only time you'll lose it is if you ever switch to a phone that doesn't require a data plan.
I truly do hope that's is the case, I know a guy at my work who was forced into a tiered plan when he went from a touch to a revolution. I was told they are different data plans but I can't find anything specific on VW website.
Tell them you are switching to sprint than. I'm sure they'll change their mind.

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So I just talked to him and apparently the sales rep told him life was good with the move and he only noticed after the bill came in at the end of the month. I guess he spoke with a CSR supervisor and they could do nothing, he was also past the 14 day right of rescission. =screwed
This was debunked months ago. Also you really should never listen to the Verizon people. Just a couple of weeks ago one of them told me the Bionic was cancelled.
To keep unlimited you need to already have the $30 data plan the Touch you mentioned only needed a $10 data plan . (I'm assuming you were talking about an Envy Touch)
Ok. It was the lg chocolate touch?? and he upgraded to the unlimited plan prior to the 7/7 deadline. Also I really try not to listen to VZW people but it came from them and then my co worker, I got scared. I'm gonna call tomorrow and see, again talking to VZW people, but its worth a try.
Ok. It was the lg chocolate touch?? and he upgraded to the unlimited plan prior to the 7/7 deadline. Also I really try not to listen to VZW people but it came from them and then my co worker, I got scared. I'm gonna call tomorrow and see, again talking to VZW people, but its worth a try.
That was a feature phone. The feature phone unlimited is NOT 3G, NOR was it a smartphone. As such, he was NOT in the smartphone unlimited plan, but rather the FEATURE PHONE unlimited.

Two different things. He could have stayed with a feature phone and had unlimited data on that forever, or until VZW changes teh terms. IF he wanted to get a smartphone, then he would need a smartphone plan, of which only tiers are left. He missed the boat.
Awesome, I like to here people are keeping the unlimited plan. I really didn't mean to freak anybody out but I really need to keep unlimited data.
That was a feature phone. The feature phone unlimited is NOT 3G, NOR was it a smartphone. As such, he was NOT in the smartphone unlimited plan, but rather the FEATURE PHONE unlimited.

Two different things. He could have stayed with a feature phone and had unlimited data on that forever, or until VZW changes teh terms. IF he wanted to get a smartphone, then he would need a smartphone plan, of which only tiers are left. He missed the boat.

Confirmed, I just called the customer service rep and they confirmed the above. Thanks and sorry for freaking anybody out
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