Droid update this morning

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God, nobody has any patience anymore. The earliest date mentioned for an update was the 22nd, so why does anyone expect anything before then? Especially a "pre-update" update that doesn't really do anything for the day-to-day use of the phone?

I think part of this issue is that when the last rumored date for 2.0.1 was actually 12/11. Some lucky individuals got it several days before that, while others didn't even get it until a couple days after.

And If what we hear is true and this "push" is necessary before 2.1 even comes out then it's going to take longer then 1/22.

The way everyone is anxious for an update, you'd think we were talking about the BlackBerry Storm here.

Yes and we all know the reasons behind that. Everyone was hoping for an acceptable OS. While those of us who come from that world understand that this is a great OS for many this is there first smart phone. So they don't quite "get it" in the way of patience that us former storm owners do. ;)
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God, nobody has any patience anymore. The earliest date mentioned for an update was the 22nd, so why does anyone expect anything before then? Especially a "pre-update" update that doesn't really do anything for the day-to-day use of the phone?

I think part of this issue is that when the last rumored date for 2.0.1 was actually 12/11. Some lucky individuals got it several days before that, while others didn't even get it until a couple days after.

And If what we here is true and this "push" isn necessary before 2.1 even comes out then it's going to take longer then 1/22.

The way everyone is anxious for an update, you'd think we were talking about the BlackBerry Storm here.

Yes and we all know the reasons behind that. Everyone was hoping for an acceptable OS. While those of us who come from that world understand that this is a great OS for many this is there first smart phone. So they don't quite "get it" in the way of patience that us former storm owners do. ;)

Lol try owning an 8130 Pearl. RIM and Verizon both completely forgot about Pearl owners. I had to get leaked updates from other carriers. And those updates were even less noticeable than the update we're talking about here. :p
I have read this thread from start to finish this morning and there is one question I have. With this 2.1 update, does it include the flash or is that coming later? I have had this phone since mid Nov. I got the 2.0.1 update at the very end of Dec. I am trying to figure out all the features still and have only one complaint, no flash that a lot of sites use. So I am hoping the update comes with flash so I can view those sites.

Not be rude, but I have posted this link 3 times now "to this other ongoing thread" as most of these questions being currently asked on this thread have already been covered on the other concurrent thread. ... look at post 371.

I'm surprise the MODs have let this thread continue and thats why they try to shut down concurrent threads on the same subject as it doubles the work and the questions for everybody.

Sorry that I asked a question that has been answered in other threads. I am only able to keep up with one at a time. I try to keep an eye on "active threads" but it is impossible to keep up with everything that is posted in all the threads.

If there is a way to see what is posted in other threads I wish somebody would let me know because I am new at this and trying to keep up and finding it hard to do.
God, nobody has any patience anymore. The earliest date mentioned for an update was the 22nd, so why does anyone expect anything before then? Especially a "pre-update" update that doesn't really do anything for the day-to-day use of the phone?

The way everyone is anxious for an update, you'd think we were talking about the BlackBerry Storm here.
What is wrong with anticipating something? I see no problem with wanting something that others who have the same device have already gotten.

The difference between this situation and the storm is that other droid users have already received the update. the sooner every user gets this update more likely that 2.1 will then begin to trickle down to our handsets.

I would think that Motorola loves the anticipation its users are showing. So why is it that other users seem so against it?
God, nobody has any patience anymore. The earliest date mentioned for an update was the 22nd, so why does anyone expect anything before then? Especially a "pre-update" update that doesn't really do anything for the day-to-day use of the phone?

The way everyone is anxious for an update, you'd think we were talking about the BlackBerry Storm here.
What is wrong with anticipating something? I see no problem with wanting something that others who have the same device have already gotten.

The difference between this situation and the storm is that other droid users have already received the update. the sooner every user gets this update more likely that 2.1 will then begin to trickle down to our handsets.

I would think that Motorola loves the anticipation its users are showing. So why is it that other users seem so against it?

Totally agree with you. I am on here every day looking for the latest rumors on 2.1 and seeing who has received the update. I just hope that moto/google start to push the update friday. Fingers crossed.
Remember when the 2.01 update came out and they (Moto/Google) said that there would be another update on/about 1-22 to sort of 'tweak' 2.01? Then (weeks later) Google releases the N1, and say they'll share 2.1 with Droids et al.

Through wishful thinking, you get the "Moto/Google WILL release 2.1 on 1-22 for the Droid" rumor.

Now it's "2.01 came out early, so where's our 2.1 update?"

It may well happen on or around 1-22, but this thing has really taken on a life of it's own. Fun to watch!

I'm just sayin....
Yeah my Storm had it in the options but they never used it, I don't think it even works LOL
ohhhh yeah I forgot the Dare had it. I had a Dare also lol I went Chocolate 2 > Dare > Curve > Storm > Droid in 1 year LOL
I have read this thread from start to finish this morning and there is one question I have. With this 2.1 update, does it include the flash or is that coming later? I have had this phone since mid Nov. I got the 2.0.1 update at the very end of Dec. I am trying to figure out all the features still and have only one complaint, no flash that a lot of sites use. So I am hoping the update comes with flash so I can view those sites.

All reports that I've read that I personally find reliable state that Flash will not be part of the 2.1 update. If it were the Nexus One would already have it.

Flash has NEVER been an integral part of an OS, to the best of my knowledge. I'm pretty certain it will be an (optional) download from markerplace.

Thank you for your responses, that helps us new smartphone users.
God, nobody has any patience anymore. The earliest date mentioned for an update was the 22nd, so why does anyone expect anything before then? Especially a "pre-update" update that doesn't really do anything for the day-to-day use of the phone?

The way everyone is anxious for an update, you'd think we were talking about the BlackBerry Storm here.
What is wrong with anticipating something? I see no problem with wanting something that others who have the same device have already gotten.

The difference between this situation and the storm is that other droid users have already received the update. the sooner every user gets this update more likely that 2.1 will then begin to trickle down to our handsets.

I would think that Motorola loves the anticipation its users are showing. So why is it that other users seem so against it?

It's not that anyone is against being enthusiastic. But when people get too impatient, sometimes things tend to be released before they are ready. For the most part 2.0.1 is stable, works well, and does what it is designed to.

2.1 will be more of the same, with some enhancements. But, I would much rather enjoy my device the way it is for now, and enjoy 2.1 when it is READY, not on an arbitrary date that was never officially announced.

The BlackBerry Storm was rushed out to meet a deadline, and it showed. It took 6 months to get a somewhat usable OS on the device that didn't lag constantly. On the other hand, assuming that we DO see 2.1 before the end of the month, that means we've seen 2 updates so far, only a couple of months into the device existing.

It's not that I am not enthusiastic for a new OS, however, I actually have a device that I enjoy using AS IS, and don't feel the NEED for a new OS to make it work right. And thus, I believe it should come out when it is ready for release, and not before.

And since the "update" in question doesn't actually DO anything aside from make the Droid 2.1 ready, it's nothing to be excited about. As long as you receive it before the 2.1 push starts.
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