Best shots yet of Motorola Droid 2 & Boot Animation

This is a little disappointing. 750mghz cpu when phones now run 1gig. Motoblur? no forward facing camera? Sticking with the original.
Ironic that it says 2.1 will be on it when my droid already is rooted with 2.2...Got to say I don't like this one at all. I think Moto blur is stupid I don't really social network much. I have a droid rooted with 2.2 not 2.1 and its overclocked to 1ghz. Not a better camera and wtf is the HDMI for anyway?
Sad....Droid was the start and they follow up with this crap...

HTC is going to make Moto look like the fools they are.
Its just a glorified Motorola Droid 1 with a little bit of updated specs.

  • Wi-Fi tethering
  • 8GB internal
  • Updated keyboard
  • New version of Motoblur
These are the ONLY differences between this and the original Droid. Not worth it in my opinion.
yea we could already tether in rooted droid...we now have not really a social site user so no need for motoblur
disappointing for for a Droid 2. Moto got into the game with Droid and now its like it doesn't matter. I love my mDroid but there are better android phones coming and moto is dropping the ball on this.

No Dual Core Snapdragon? Or even a regular one? Kind of sad.. The upgrades are way too minimal. I feel the same about the Xtreme as well. Aside from the HDMI port on the Extreme and the 8mp camera (and integraded 'chin'), there is nothing these upgraded phones can do that mine can't. The keyboard looks worse. I'm not a huge fan of the current one and rarely use it, but I love the DPad versus the way the arrows are laid out on the new one.

I love Motorola and the Droid is amazing. I'm afraid if Moto doesn't step it up by the end of the year though, they are going to get left in the dust by HTC, who seems to be pushing the hardware envelope like mad. Motorola is playing it a little too safe.

  • Android 2.1 (unless Verizon pumps out a last minute 2.2 update to it)
  • 3.7″ screen
  • 750MHz OMAP processor
  • Wi-Fi tethering
  • 8GB internal
  • 8GB SD card preinstalled
  • Updated keyboard
  • 5MP camera
  • New version of Motoblur
  • No HDMI port
  • No front facing camera

(Source: Exclusive: First Photos of the Motorola Droid 2 | Droid Life: A Motorola Droid Blog)

After seeing this I went and rooted my phone to 2.2 because I will probably be keeping it for a while.

And boy am I glad I did! :icon_ banana:2.2 roxorsmysoxors
Its just a glorified Motorola Droid 1 with a little bit of updated specs.

  • Wi-Fi tethering
  • 8GB internal
  • Updated keyboard
  • New version of Motoblur
These are the ONLY differences between this and the original Droid. Not worth it in my opinion.
yea we could already tether in rooted droid...we now have not really a social site user so no need for motoblur

Exactly, this Motorola Droid 2 isn't even up to par with my Stock Incredible. I think the Droid Pro is the only device coming soon on Verizon that will be a step up from the Incredible.

HTC is rumored to be coming out with a killer device as well. My preference is HTC for the fact of Sense UI but i wouldn't mind another Motorola as long as MotoBlur isn't on it. HTC Sense makes MotoBlur look like a UI developed by 5 year olds.
I personally think that you people get too caught up in the numbers game. Let's see how it performs before automatically condemning it.
Read this on HoFo from a reliable source (at least he has been in the past).

VZW E said:
The Droid 2 that I played with was clocked at 1000MHz so not sure why everyone is reporting 700.

Maybe this will change some minds.
HTC is rumored to be coming out with a killer device as well. My preference is HTC for the fact of Sense UI but i wouldn't mind another Motorola as long as MotoBlur isn't on it. HTC Sense makes MotoBlur look like a UI developed by 5 year olds.

The new MotoBlur is not like it used to be. From my understanding it is now hard to tell that it is even running on the device but it provides very good information. Might not want to condemn what you have not tried.
Obviously majority of the posters in this thread are completely retarded. The 750mhz processor outperforms the snapdragon. Not only that the graphic processor is also a big upgrade. The Droid two uses a 45mm processor which means that this chip has an overclock potential higher the original Droid. The only disappointing for me the lack of front face camera and HDMI. Then again all the posters will avoid this post like my last post and syllable be ignorant on processing power.
^ I can think of at least one other reason why people would choose to ignore your post..

That being said, since I'm obviously completely retarded, could you explain or at least link me to information that explains how it outperforms? Maybe you are the key to making others think the Droid 2 is a huge leap over the current one. :)
im sure this phone will perform better than our droid unos. but one of the best parts of upgrading phones is getting something new and DIFFERENT. this phone isnt really different. in addition to the faster processor I was really hoping for a bigger screen and an hdmi out. i for one wish it were an extreme with a keyboard.
^ I can think of at least one other reason why people would choose to ignore your post..

That being said, since I'm obviously completely retarded, could you explain or at least link me to information that explains how it outperforms? Maybe you are the key to making others think the Droid 2 is a huge leap over the current one. :)

Different arcitechure (faster cpu but I'm not how much faster), 45mm (better with heat and battery) also what he said it can overclock to higher speeds
its obviously better than the 1ghz snapdragon (omap 3440 competes with the snapdragon)

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