I have the VZW protector and it's a royal pain to install, unless i'm doing something wrong. They are cut so exact, that if you don't start it perfectly straight, by the time you get to the bottom, just being skewed a little forces it up over the edge and it won't lay flat.
Then there is the dust. One little piece of dust under it causes a bubble. No matter how much you clean and use compressed air, dust always shows up.
I've already used up my 3 trying to get it right.
On the positive side, your finger slides nicely on and I notice no difference in sensitivity, but it is a finger print magnet.
I'm thinking the wet method of putting on a protector is the best, but don't know if that will work with the VZW ones. I may give it a shot later.
Best way Iv found is to steam up the bathroom then turn the shower off and let the steam settle along with any dust floating around in there.
Then go in the bathroom and wipe the screen down with an alchol pad, then wipe it with the included lint-free cloth to remove any streaks.
Then when installing it, start at the top of the screen, while holding the protector from the bottom edges.
line up the ear speaker and the top 2 corners.
then start squeeging it down slowly making sure to get all the air bubbles out as you go.
I use a rubber squeege I got with an invisibleSHIELD a long time ago but a credit card works also.
As far as installing it wet. that works great with the soft rubber protectors but it makes the hard plastic ones look like crap and not stick like they should.