Will Froyo have more than 3 home screens for Droid?

Big Cam

Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
I searched around and I couldn't find anything, everyone is pre-occupied with the tethering and wi-fi spots, which is cool, but I'm using helix for 7 homescreens and it's starting to piss me off because it's so slow and exiting an app equals about 15 seconds of waiting for my home screen to load.
just an addendum......

I searched around and I couldn't find anything, everyone is pre-occupied with the tethering and wi-fi spots, which is cool, but I'm using helix for 7 homescreens and it's starting to piss me off because it's so slow and exiting an app equals about 15 seconds of waiting for my home screen to load.

today, about Froyo
As history should tell us, even if the Nexus or other phone get more screen with an update it does not mean the Droid will. We will just have to wait and see.

I am using Helix 1 and have never had any sort of lag. Have you done a battery pull or factory reset since the last update came out? I highly recommend one.
try launcher + .
7 screens too. i use it and it's just as fast as my oringinal 3.

the only downside is no 3d app scroll- i don't care cause i get 7 fast screens.
I searched around and I couldn't find anything, everyone is pre-occupied with the tethering and wi-fi spots, which is cool, but I'm using helix for 7 homescreens and it's starting to piss me off because it's so slow and exiting an app equals about 15 seconds of waiting for my home screen to load.

today, about Froyo
That links just reiterates what I said in my first post, and says nothing about more home screens. Thanks I guess?

As for reboots with Helix, I have. A few time actually, I think I'm going to try a different replacement. Thanks for the suggestions.
Not sure about 2.2 and what its going to bring i was bit disappointed when the FROYO 2.2 NEXUS video didnt show more.

Cam, did you try Zeam, yet?
No LWP, No Landscape but
Screen change, pro switcher and disable notifications.
I think its snappy.
But..some people are having issues with it.
I searched around and I couldn't find anything, everyone is pre-occupied with the tethering and wi-fi spots, which is cool, but I'm using helix for 7 homescreens and it's starting to piss me off because it's so slow and exiting an app equals about 15 seconds of waiting for my home screen to load.

The long wait time is because the system has made HelixLauncher exit due to memory pressure. You might want to try using fewer screens, as I assume (but have never actually checked, as I'm happy with three) that fewer home screens means it takes less memory. You could also see if you have any seldom-used apps that tend to spawn background processes lying around that you could remove to ease the memory usage.
As of posting this message, I'm actually underclocking my phone below the stock operating speed and I experience nothing resembling what the OP is referring to. I'm using HelixLauncher 2 with 5 homescreens.

This isn't me patting myself on the back. This is me bringing objectivity into a thread so everyone won't just be so quick to assume Helix is rubbish because one person considers it laggy.