Go for AngelRom v0.5 (<link to the ROM) or Diet droid ROM available in the forum or jsut SBF to bring to stock and then try Fission.Please advice which d2g rom, I am new to this. Thanks
The problem I have is it lost 3g signal. When I do a reboot, phone freeze. I tried a wipe clean and run the romer 7, 3g is on but phone become unresponsive. Any ideal why?
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Last night my D2G acts up again, lost 3g. Tried sid_wisc suggestions, follow all the steps listed; but stuck at installing the libertyfolder.zip (it did not going through the installation process, wait for almost 1 hr before the battery pull). You are supposed to unzip the liberty folder and not install it... that is the first error... Go back, look at my post grab the Liberty folder from the post I mentioned and unzip it and keep in the root of your device. Go back to the post #9 and read it well and follow the instructions and I and others will guarantee that it will work for you.
I went back and install the liberty 2.0.1D2.zip and then romer v7.zip, this time everything back to normal. However, I went through this process 4 times since I start using Liberty Rom.
Is there a version that is more stable then now?
I'll try anything to stop this happening again!!! Help!!!
BTW, I unchecked the auto update box in the liberty tool box before I lost 3g last night.
Ok first, download libertyfolder.zip. DO NOT FLASH IT. Not every zip file you find is meant to be flashed. If it is meant to be flashed, it will instruct you to do so.First of all, I must thank you for everyone helping me on this, my apology for being.......the frustration make me.....
Anyway, I did follow through the steps from sid_wisc (thank you for your help) maybe, I am not totally understood it.
Here's what I should do:
I must delete the "liberty" folder from my file (the complete folder)
Unzip the libertyfolder.zip in my computer, transfer the unzipped files into my sd card, then proceed.
I use Droid2 bootstrapper, 1st bootstrp recovery, then reboot recovery, that will lead into clockwork recovery. From then on, I follow step2 to 6.
Please advise if the above procedures are correct!!
Again, forgive my tone if it sounds too.....