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Ubuntu for DX


This is from Installing Ubuntu 10.10 - Laika Edition I thought I would pass this to my fellow Droidforum fans

Installing Ubuntu 10.10 - Laika Edition
I've passworded all file downloads hosted locally. The username is androidclone.com and the password is androidclone.com

Part one – Go root your Android phone! This method varies depending on your device, but I have found "UniversalAndroot" to be useful for most phones/tablets.

Part two – Install Busybox. Busybox allows you to run the required commands that you will need to use to install Ubuntu (Or any arm based OS onto your phone). To do this, we will use busybox to install busybox. Weird huh?

1- Extract the busybox file to the root of your MicroSD-Card

2- Download and install PC-Suite, this is an easy way to allow you to obtain a ADB shell to your phone to "push" files onto it and execute commands from your PC to your Android Device.

3- Set your phone to developer mode by going to Settings - Application Settings - Development - and then activating USB Debugging

4- Plug your phone in to your computer.

5- Start up PC-Suite.

6- Hit "s" to open a shell account.

7- Type in "su" followed by enter to become the super user on your phone

8- You can install busybox using the installed script with the following commands

cd /sdcard/busybox
sh installbusybox.sh

9- I had problems getting the script to run fully, so at the shell account I entered the following commands and they worked for me.

mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

cat /sdcard/busybox > /data/local/busybox

/data/local/busybox chmod 755 /data/local/busybox

/data/local/busybox mkdir /system/xbin

cd /data/local

./busybox cp /data/local/busybox /system/xbin

cd /system/xbin

./busybox chmod 755 busybox

./busybox --install -s /system/xbin

./busybox rm /data/local/busybox

10-Then reboot your phone

Busybox should now be installed on your phone. If you have any errors, please note them here.

Part Three – Installing Ubuntu

1- Download the custom image file for Ubuntu 10.10 - Laika Edition from any of these torrents:
Will add some torrents once I have some available.

2- Extract the file to the root of your microSD-Card.

3- Repeat steps 3-7 from Part Two.

4- There's an original install script included in the file. You can run that if you want using these commands:

cd /sdcard/ubuntu
sh ubuntu.sh

I've had problems running it as included. I found I needed to use the busybox command before each new entry. This is how I got it to run:

busybox rm -f /data/local/bin/fsrw
busybox rm -f /data/local/bin/bootubuntu
busybox rm -f /data/local/bin/unionfs
busybox rm -f /data/local/bin/installer.sh
busybox rm -f /data/local/bin/mountonly
busybox mkdir /data/local/mnt
busybox rm /system/bin/fsrw
busybox rm /system/bin/bootubuntu
busybox rm /system/bin/unionfs
busybox rm -/system/bin/mountonly
busybox cp -f fsrw /system/bin
busybox cp -f bootubuntu /system/bin
busybox cp -f unionfs /system/bin
busybox cp -f mountonly /system/bin
cd /sdcard/ubuntu
busybox chmod 777 *
cd /system/bin/
busybox chmod 777 *

You can modify the ubuntu.sh install script to mirror that, or you can enter them one-by-one at the ADB shell. I did it one-by-one to track down the errors.

5- At the ADB shell type in "bootubuntu" followed by enter.

6- You should now see a root@localhost:# command prompt. If not, repeat steps 2-4 very carefully.

Part four – Installing a VNC server on your phone

The good news is, I've already got a VNC server running on the phone, so you can skip a lot of the hardwork there involved to get it working.

1- Google for, download and install "androidVNC_build20100819.apk" on your android device

2- Set the parameters as follows:

Nickname – root
Password – 12345678
Address -
Port - 5901
Username -

3- Hit connect.

4- You should have a lxde environment now loaded on your phone via a VNC connection.

Part five - Get a good terminal program for you Android device!

The VNC server is configured to automatically start when you start ubuntu on your phone. But to do that, you will need a good terminal program on your phone, something like "BetterTerm15.apk" will do. Download and install that to your phone!

Open betterterminal and enter "su" followed by enter. Next put in "bootubuntu" and you have ajust booted Laika Edition for your phone and no longer need to use your PC to start it!

I want to thank those at NexusOneHacks.net. It was their install program and base files I've expanded upon to customize and provide an upgraded Ubuntu version for ARM based Android devices.

If you have problems or errors with any of the commands. Try a few different variants and editing to the command. Most importantly, post what worked or what didn't work!

Help this project! Donate!
This is the original one I found on this its from rootzwiki.com

Thursday, 25 November 2010 11:30
Ubuntu for Android

Here are the files from laika that im useing, changing to make work for the Dx.
These are the orginal files for you to try before I am done working on this project.
I will update as i make progress.
You may lose root after ubuntu loads, i am working on a fix.
You do not need to reinstall busybox if you already have it installed.
DIrections from laika
Installing Ubuntu 10.10 - Laika Edition

Part one – Go root your Android phone! This method varies depending on your device, but I have found "UniversalAndroot" to be useful for most phones/tablets.
Part two – Install Busybox. Busybox allows you to run the required commands that you will need to use to install Ubuntu (Or any arm based OS onto your phone). To do this, we will use busybox to install busybox. Weird huh?
1- Extract the busybox file to the root of your MicroSD-Card
2- Download and install PC-Suite, this is an easy way to allow you to obtain a ADB shell to your phone to "push" files onto it and execute commands from your PC to your Android Device.
3- Set your phone to developer mode by going to Settings - Application Settings - Development - and then activating USB Debugging
4- Plug your phone in to your computer.
5- Start up PC-Suite.
6- Hit "s" to open a shell account.
7- Type in "su" followed by enter to become the super user on your phone
8- You can install busybox using the installed script with the following commands
cd /sdcard/busybox
sh installbusybox.sh
9- I had problems getting the script to run fully, so at the shell account I entered the following commands and they worked for me.
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cat /sdcard/busybox > /data/local/busybox
/data/local/busybox chmod 755 /data/local/busybox
/data/local/busybox mkdir /system/xbin
cd /data/local
./busybox cp /data/local/busybox /system/xbin
cd /system/xbin
./busybox chmod 755 busybox
./busybox --install -s /system/xbin
./busybox rm /data/local/busybox
10-Then reboot your phone
Busybox should now be installed on your phone. If you have any errors, please note them here.
Part Three – Installing Ubuntu
1- Download the custom image file for Ubuntu 10.10 - Laika Edition
2- Extract the file to the root of your microSD-Card.
3- Repeat steps 3-7 from Part Two.
4- There's an original install script included in the file. You can run that if you want using these commands:
cd /sdcard/ubuntu
sh ubuntu.sh
I've had problems running it as included. I found I needed to use the busybox command before each new entry. This is how I got it to run:
busybox rm -f /data/local/bin/fsrw
busybox rm -f /data/local/bin/bootubuntu
busybox rm -f /data/local/bin/unionfs
busybox rm -f /data/local/bin/installer.sh
busybox rm -f /data/local/bin/mountonly
busybox mkdir /data/local/mnt
busybox rm /system/bin/fsrw
busybox rm /system/bin/bootubuntu
busybox rm /system/bin/unionfs
busybox rm -/system/bin/mountonly
busybox cp -f fsrw /system/bin
busybox cp -f bootubuntu /system/bin
busybox cp -f unionfs /system/bin
busybox cp -f mountonly /system/bin
cd /sdcard/ubuntu
busybox chmod 777 *
cd /system/bin/
busybox chmod 777 *
You can modify the ubuntu.sh install script to mirror that, or you can enter them one-by-one at the ADB shell. I did it one-by-one to track down the errors.
5- At the ADB shell type in "bootubuntu" followed by enter.
6- You should now see a root@localhost:# command prompt. If not, repeat steps 2-4 very carefully.
Part five – Installing a VNC server on your phone
The good news is, I've already got a VNC server running on the phone, so you can skip a lot of the hardwork there involved to get it working.
1- Google for, download and install "androidVNC_build20100819.apk" on your android device
2- Set the parameters as follows:
Nickname – root
Password – 12345678
Address -
Port - 5901
Username -
3- Hit connect.
4- You should have a lxde environment now loaded on your phone via a VNC connection.
Part Six - Get a good terminal program for you Android device!
The VNC server is configured to automatically start when you start ubuntu on your phone. But to do that, you will need a good terminal program on your phone, something like "BetterTerm15.apk" will do. Download and install that to your phone!
Open betterterminal and enter "su" followed by enter. Next put in "bootubuntu" and you have ajust booted Laika Edition for your phone and no longer need to use your PC to start it!
I want to thank those at NexusOneHacks.net. It was their install program and base files I've expanded upon to customize and provide an upgraded Ubuntu version for ARM based Android devices.
If you have problems or errors with any of the commands. Try a few different variants and editing to the command. Most importantly, post what worked or what didn't work!
The orginal project site Installing Ubuntu 10.10 - Laika Edition