I think KRoc said it best, that much comes down to personal preferrences.
Personally, I plan to never own another Motorola phone ever again based on my Droid x experience. The last OTA to 621 made it impossible to root, and for the first time impossible to go back and sbf an older version.
I had to sbf a milestone x European file via Linux. Linux was only way to keep the 3G radio firmware. Then root it. Then restore a rooted 621 backup from someone who survived the OTA with root by using voodoo. not all who used voodoo kept root, just some phones did.
I use the droid x as a WiFi only device because I now have a rezound. I am using liquid ics Rom. Miss the hdmi feature and phone off charging. if anything goes wrong like a bootlooping situation, then I need to boot Linux and do all that work again.
So, now I only buy phones with open unlockable bootloaders which are root friendly like HTC and Samsung.
I will never buy another Motorola. I don't need a phone manufacturer that works against me. They forget that I own the phone, I am the customer, I should get what I want.
I much prefer to waive the HTC warranty, and control my phone.
The only superb thing about the Rezound in my opinion is the cell radio works properly on 4g LTE. I worked with someone whi kept his galaxy nexus on 3G all the time due to repeated data drops. Meanwhile, I always had a strong fast 4G signal at work.
I have read about large numbers of Motorola bionic phones who kept returning them to Verizon due to the cell radio. Verizon often gives them a rezound.
If Motorola has figured out how to make a 4G phone that has a working cell radio then everything else in the decision is personal preferrences.
It's amazing that there are so many phones sold that don't even have basic voice and data working on 4G reliably. For me that is the the main thing to shop for.
There really isn't a "best phone" or a best anything. As long as the basic functions work, its usually personal preferences as everything has some disadvantages.