To begin... make a backup 1st.... not responsible for damages while left in the parking garage.. enjoy the game!
This theme was made with permission of "thebowers". It's his creation. I brought it into GB land for the X2. I don't know if I did everything he did but I can tell you that I have made image edits galore for resizing purposes and to get all the new GB images not yet themed. I have also edited the crap out of a lot of xml's so things should work 100% smoothly out of the box. I have also incorporated some inverted apps which, I had nothing to do with. Credit there goes to thebowers, ecsnead and B-Boy. I also made a few apps myself because once I got going on 0.2.2, I got carried away. Three of those apps incorporate to make the X2's first (that I know of anyway) Fully Functional and fully inverted Dialer. 0.4 had issues so, I started over at 0 and made the entire thing myself this time to make sure it all worked.
Also, I changed the boot animation. It matches the theme oh so well. Credit there goes to Versatile1 because he made it (on
Before we begin, I will list all the apps I have included. For ease of use, I highly recommend getting rid of any app on the list from your phones data folder first. For example, if you downloaded Facebook from the market, remove it from your data folder. Not saying you HAVE TO, just putting it out there if you run into issues, you know how to fix them.
Also for the market... this one you do HAVE to do... First, verify that you DO NOT have a vending app in \data\app!!!!! If you do this will not install!!! You will need to uninstall updates before flashing... Settings>Applications>Manage Applications>"ALL" tab>Market>Uninstall Updates
Will it break your phone if you don't do that? No, it just won't install a market... at all!
Lastly, I have taken the time to guide every .9.png file in the framework and in every app I touched. What this means to you.... If you want to make other changes, everything will decompile and recompile without error. Of course you need to add the dependencies if your editing systemui or settings but thats a blur thing. Not something I did.
Now.. onto the part anyone actually cares about..
The theme is located at the bottom of the deepest cave, surrounded by guardian flying pigs who crave bacon and eggs.
Ive also included a BNB style Icon Pack because, if you are crafty enough to figure out how to install them, I'm crafy enough to share them
It's not a huge list, it just covers the basic ones most people stick on the main homescreen.
You can get that here.. but you have to go through the cave first.
If you see any issues please let me know.
Heres the cool list that got into the party....
Calculator (everyones favorite)
Contacts (Inverted)
Dialer (Inverted)
Phone (Inverted)
Facebook (Inverted)
Gallery 3D
Gmail (Inverted)
Google Quick Search (Inverted)
Keyboard (Black) .. whichever one is in 0.5.. hard to keep
Gtalk (Inverted)
Market (Inverted)
Google Voice (Inverted)
Music (Black) ##This is NOT the music app that came with Eclipse and it will erase that one##
Music app worked on my phone without skips or pops when multitasking.. hope yours does the same.
Battery icons are stock Eclipse.. 200 images to make from scratch takes time.
Settings (Manage Applications is white BG with Black text).. will fix that when I figure it out.
This theme is basically a complete inversion of stock (with different images too). It is dark. On the D1, it was a bit hard to see but with this glare resistant screen or the display quality or something, its quite easy. Plus is doesnt burn your eyeballs when using the phone in the dark.
The screens are from 0.4.... the unselected tabs in the screens now have black text
http://dc399.***********/img/aYKrxhGQ/s3/screen_20110829_2142_1.png http://dc423.***********/img/X_sh5InJ/s3/screen_20110829_2141.png
http://dc424.***********/img/_8fMQpvV/s3/screen_20110829_2141_1.png http://dc389.***********/img/cMse0Y8H/s3/screen_20110829_2142.png
http://dc172.***********/img/S3BYir4g/s3/screen_20110829_2143.png http://dc169.***********/img/hKq9uc7z/s3/screen_20110829_2145.png
http://dc317.***********/img/qs_5ak6u/s3/screen_20110829_2149.png http://dc338.***********/img/KShJhCK2/s3/screen_20110829_2149_1.png
http://dc281.***********/img/Hjyroaq4/s3/screen_20110829_2150.png http://dc249.***********/img/fBrUIsxD/s3/screen_20110829_2150_1.png
Lastly... if you like what I do.. hit the thanks button please. If you have issues, questions, trouble installing, suggestions for a new app to invert.. POST UP!!
This theme was made with permission of "thebowers". It's his creation. I brought it into GB land for the X2. I don't know if I did everything he did but I can tell you that I have made image edits galore for resizing purposes and to get all the new GB images not yet themed. I have also edited the crap out of a lot of xml's so things should work 100% smoothly out of the box. I have also incorporated some inverted apps which, I had nothing to do with. Credit there goes to thebowers, ecsnead and B-Boy. I also made a few apps myself because once I got going on 0.2.2, I got carried away. Three of those apps incorporate to make the X2's first (that I know of anyway) Fully Functional and fully inverted Dialer. 0.4 had issues so, I started over at 0 and made the entire thing myself this time to make sure it all worked.
Also, I changed the boot animation. It matches the theme oh so well. Credit there goes to Versatile1 because he made it (on
Before we begin, I will list all the apps I have included. For ease of use, I highly recommend getting rid of any app on the list from your phones data folder first. For example, if you downloaded Facebook from the market, remove it from your data folder. Not saying you HAVE TO, just putting it out there if you run into issues, you know how to fix them.
Also for the market... this one you do HAVE to do... First, verify that you DO NOT have a vending app in \data\app!!!!! If you do this will not install!!! You will need to uninstall updates before flashing... Settings>Applications>Manage Applications>"ALL" tab>Market>Uninstall Updates
Will it break your phone if you don't do that? No, it just won't install a market... at all!
Lastly, I have taken the time to guide every .9.png file in the framework and in every app I touched. What this means to you.... If you want to make other changes, everything will decompile and recompile without error. Of course you need to add the dependencies if your editing systemui or settings but thats a blur thing. Not something I did.
Now.. onto the part anyone actually cares about..
The theme is located at the bottom of the deepest cave, surrounded by guardian flying pigs who crave bacon and eggs.
Ive also included a BNB style Icon Pack because, if you are crafty enough to figure out how to install them, I'm crafy enough to share them

You can get that here.. but you have to go through the cave first.
If you see any issues please let me know.
Heres the cool list that got into the party....
Calculator (everyones favorite)
Contacts (Inverted)
Dialer (Inverted)
Phone (Inverted)
Facebook (Inverted)
Gallery 3D
Gmail (Inverted)
Google Quick Search (Inverted)
Keyboard (Black) .. whichever one is in 0.5.. hard to keep
Gtalk (Inverted)
Market (Inverted)
Google Voice (Inverted)
Music (Black) ##This is NOT the music app that came with Eclipse and it will erase that one##
Music app worked on my phone without skips or pops when multitasking.. hope yours does the same.
Battery icons are stock Eclipse.. 200 images to make from scratch takes time.
Settings (Manage Applications is white BG with Black text).. will fix that when I figure it out.
This theme is basically a complete inversion of stock (with different images too). It is dark. On the D1, it was a bit hard to see but with this glare resistant screen or the display quality or something, its quite easy. Plus is doesnt burn your eyeballs when using the phone in the dark.
The screens are from 0.4.... the unselected tabs in the screens now have black text
http://dc399.***********/img/aYKrxhGQ/s3/screen_20110829_2142_1.png http://dc423.***********/img/X_sh5InJ/s3/screen_20110829_2141.png
http://dc424.***********/img/_8fMQpvV/s3/screen_20110829_2141_1.png http://dc389.***********/img/cMse0Y8H/s3/screen_20110829_2142.png
http://dc172.***********/img/S3BYir4g/s3/screen_20110829_2143.png http://dc169.***********/img/hKq9uc7z/s3/screen_20110829_2145.png
http://dc317.***********/img/qs_5ak6u/s3/screen_20110829_2149.png http://dc338.***********/img/KShJhCK2/s3/screen_20110829_2149_1.png
http://dc281.***********/img/Hjyroaq4/s3/screen_20110829_2150.png http://dc249.***********/img/fBrUIsxD/s3/screen_20110829_2150_1.png
Lastly... if you like what I do.. hit the thanks button please. If you have issues, questions, trouble installing, suggestions for a new app to invert.. POST UP!!