The Ultimate Droid 3.0.0 Beta - 7 Phones - Nexus S Updated 1/10/11


Premium Member
Premium Member
Aug 2, 2010
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The Ultimate Droid 3.0.0 Beta - Changes Since Alpha (Stock gingerbread themed, UD Theme being remade to work with new theming system)
- GRH78 Build
- New Market included (blackdroid)
- UD Settings/Extras (blackdroid)
- Long press search button to access UD Settings (blackdroid)
- Gingerbread Google Apps from the Nexus S Included (blackdroid)
- Gingerbread TV out animation (works for on as well, blackdroid)
- Settings to turn TV out animations off (defer)
- Multi-Function-Shutdown Thread (cyanogenmod - temporary - read below)
- AppWidgetPicker (boombuler)
- Ability to hide adb notification (cyanogen)
- Galaxy S Style Power Widget (Pedlar)
- Cytown Phone (cytown)
- Wysie Contacts (sileht/wysie)
- Overhauled music player gingerbread port (blackdroid)
- Long Press back to kill app (Evan Charlton)
- Updated Settings Power Control Widget (rmcc)
- Adjustable performance settings (cyanogenmod)

Things that still need to be fixed:
- Lights
- Camcorder

Link to Screen Shots: Click me for pics

Screen caps thanks to TheFarmerDeBoer

You must wipe before installing this rom!! Cache and data!!

Download Links: Please Check and make sure you have newest file form UD forums! Ftp Files Were uploaded here at 1/10/11 - Updated to newest releases on UD forums! This time is to reference on UD forums if a day or two down the road.

Droid 1:

Droid 1 UD 3.0.0 Beta FTP Link

UD 3.0.0 Beta for Droid 1 UD forums


Incredible UD 3.0.0 Beta Ftp Link

Incredible UD 3.0.0 UD Beta forum Link


Evo 4G UD 3.0.0 Beta Ftp Link

EVO 4G UD 3.0.0 Beta UD Forum Link

Desire CDMA:

Desire CDMA UD 3.0.0 Beta Ftp Link

Desire CDMA UD 3.0.0 Beta Forum Link

Desire GSM:

Desire GSM UD 3.0.0 Beta Ftp Link

Desire GSM UD 3.0.0 Beta UD Forum Link

Nexus One:

Nexus One UD 3.0.0 Beta Ftp Link

Nexus One UD 3.0.0 Beta UD Forum Link

Nexus S:

Nexus S UD 3.0.0 Beta Ftp Link

Nexus S UD 3.0.0 Beta UD Forum Link

Donate Link For Blackdroid below

If you enjoy UD roms and appreciate Blackdroids work, please donate to the cause and show your support! <-- Click Here
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You the man Raffica. Any idea on why the data goes out sometimes.

The wireless/3g icon turns white so does the signal icon... they are both moving but i have no connection
any screen shots? i think i mite stick to my ud 2.5 until the final release for this is ready. GREAT WORK GUYS!!!!
Someone asked before for screenies: dancedroid

Also - running Slayhers 1.2ghz LFY kernel no problem
You the man Raffica. Any idea on why the data goes out sometimes.

The wireless/3g icon turns white so does the signal icon... they are both moving but i have no connection

We havent figured it out yet, if you do *22899 it takes a few seconds and brings it back and holds longer i noticed. i stay on wifi as much as i can when at home.

But by getting a beta now we can see if this effects everyone and get an idea of what the hell the issue is lol. been so random with just me telling BD its happening.
Thanks for the screenshots!!!! and hopefully the final release comes soon!!!!
You the man Raffica. Any idea on why the data goes out sometimes.

The wireless/3g icon turns white so does the signal icon... they are both moving but i have no connection

We havent figured it out yet, if you do *22899 it takes a few seconds and brings it back and holds longer i noticed. i stay on wifi as much as i can when at home.

But by getting a beta now we can see if this effects everyone and get an idea of what the hell the issue is lol. been so random with just me telling BD its happening.

On IRC Jester said it happens to him too. I just keep an airplane button on my main screen as a quick fix
Things I've noticed:
3G/WiFi icons turn white when toggling (as said before)
Some missing settings menu animations when choosing certain general Ultimate Settings (blame my OCD for noticing)
Not getting TV out animation

Haven't yet experienced data loss
This thing is faast
Things I've noticed:
3G/WiFi icons turn white when toggling (as said before)
Some missing settings menu animations when choosing certain general Ultimate Settings (blame my OCD for noticing)
Not getting TV out animation

Haven't yet experienced data loss
This thing is faast

Ive noticed that when they turn white is when i lose my data connection.
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When my icons turn white is when I turn Wifi on and off, in which it replaces the 3G icon. I've yet to see them turn white on their own.
Coming from miui 12.24.1. giving UD a shot for a few. getting tired of the updates.
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