yeah, it was a major descision for me to get a phone without the keyboard. I was really always going for the Droid 4, but after the constant hardware issues I had with multiple DroidX's and Droid 3's, getting them replaced and STILL having hardware issues, not to mention the big motorola ICS jerk off, locked bootloaders etc. I decided to go with what I felt was a sure thing. The S3 hardware is stunning, and the OS is so snappy and clean that it is like experiencing Android again for the first time. I find myself purposely going to my phone more often rather than avoiding it like I did with my droids. I've had it about a week now, and I knwo that isn't long enough to REALLY know the thing, but so far there have been no crashes or unexpected everything, the thing just works. And 4G is lightning, no more pandora skips or waiting forveer for the next song to load.
Highly HIGHLY recommend it!
P.S. just want to add, it literally took me 5 minutes to root this thing the other day. Far cry from what I had to go through with both motorola devices!