Just wanted to let you Droid X users know that something is cooking
Here are some features that I already have:
Version 1.0
10% Battery increments
Reboot option in power down
Install bootstrap recovery on install
mount/format /system automatically
Removed uneeded toolbox commands that eatup space (10mb+)
Some source built apps:
- Android Terminal with extra color options
- DSP Manager
- Custom Rumm Rx Live Wallpapers
- Nexus Mod like/enabled see through live wallpaper
- Music Mod
- Rumm Rx custom wallpaper app
- Spare Parts
- Wyie Contacts
- CyanogenMod Desk Clock
Init.d customization:
- recovery safe-mode
- firstboot script support
- set custom build properties
- setcpu scaling at boot
- free memory
- sysctl support
- zipalign all apks on boot
- clear cache at boot
- fix permissions at boot
Root Tools script:
- Available scripts:
ads, allinone, apploc, bkapps, bootani, cache, camsound,
clean, compcache, chglog, donate, eri, exe, fixperms,
flashrec, freemem, install_zip, load, rb, rmapk, rstapps,
setcpu, setprops, slim, soundswitch, symlink, sysrw,
sysro, usb, zipalign_apks
Many apps installed to /data on firstboot
Ads blocked by defualt
- Busybox v1.16.1 (no borked applets)
- Bash shell
- flash_image
- ssh/dropbear
- zip
- zipalign
Custom first boot boot animation
Boot animations installs to /data/local by default
Request features below
Don't ask for an ETA!
Between work, school, normal life, other android stuff it's hard to squeeze in ROM love time but I am determined to get something out here soon
Here are some features that I already have:
Version 1.0
10% Battery increments
Reboot option in power down
Install bootstrap recovery on install
mount/format /system automatically
Removed uneeded toolbox commands that eatup space (10mb+)
Some source built apps:
- Android Terminal with extra color options
- DSP Manager
- Custom Rumm Rx Live Wallpapers
- Nexus Mod like/enabled see through live wallpaper
- Music Mod
- Rumm Rx custom wallpaper app
- Spare Parts
- Wyie Contacts
- CyanogenMod Desk Clock
Init.d customization:
- recovery safe-mode
- firstboot script support
- set custom build properties
- setcpu scaling at boot
- free memory
- sysctl support
- zipalign all apks on boot
- clear cache at boot
- fix permissions at boot
Root Tools script:
- Available scripts:
ads, allinone, apploc, bkapps, bootani, cache, camsound,
clean, compcache, chglog, donate, eri, exe, fixperms,
flashrec, freemem, install_zip, load, rb, rmapk, rstapps,
setcpu, setprops, slim, soundswitch, symlink, sysrw,
sysro, usb, zipalign_apks
Many apps installed to /data on firstboot
Ads blocked by defualt
- Busybox v1.16.1 (no borked applets)
- Bash shell
- flash_image
- ssh/dropbear
- zip
- zipalign
Custom first boot boot animation
Boot animations installs to /data/local by default
Request features below
Don't ask for an ETA!
Between work, school, normal life, other android stuff it's hard to squeeze in ROM love time but I am determined to get something out here soon