Show me or tell me something good....please


Silver Member
Nov 20, 2010
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I have been interested in this device since its announcement...but found myself timid to get one and after playing with the Razr I was and still am sure I could use this as is knowing ICS is going to make this phone pretty sick. But I have almost fascinated over the Vanilla experience. Problem I am having is there are a LOT of threads about a LOT of many in fact I am starting to lose interest in this. I do like the Razr....alot....and from what I am seeing I am getting better....faster LTE service....better battery life....and some are even claiming this phone wasn't ready for release yet....the later part I don't believe and almost wouldn't care about based off of how fast updates are rolling out for this phone.

But I need to hear some of the pro's....this Razr is sick.....but I imagine if it isn't already the Nexus is going to be much better as time progresses. ICS is just the will also be first or second to get the next OS as well.....and will get the following OS...and maybe the next based off Nexus's history.

Show me something. I know I can go into a store and play with another demo but the last time I did be honest....if I didn't already have it I would have bought the Razr....hands down. But that was a demo....hoping your phones are a different experience.

If someone is in Portland area I would love to meet up sometime and screw with your phone for a few minutes....promise I will give it back.:icon_ devil:
mine works signal issues.....battery is good, screen is beautiful, keyboard just works. If the updates make it even better that would be awesome. They could turn the volume up some.
I honestly don't see how it would help you.
With every phone some will have problems that others are not having. You could see a phone that is perfect, but yours can have issues.
You can install an app that doesn't play well on your device which will cause problems.

I am not having any connectivity problems.
As for battery life, it's a smartphone, I don't understand why anyone would think it's supposed to last all day, laptops don't last all day, so I don't expect a smartphone to last all day either. I personally have access to charge my phones throughout the day, but I understand others do not have that luxury.

Some people are having problems transferring files from their PC to their phone, I transferred the entire contents from the SD card from my Droid X with no issues at all.

Some are having issues with the speaker volume, to me, it depends on what I'm listening to, some things are much louder than others.

Some are having issues with the accelerometer taking "minutes" to change, that hasn't happened to me once.

Some are having issues with connecting to wifi, I've been on wifi all weekend. I haven't had one drop, and no reboots.

I had a problem with my screen not lighting up but that was due to a setting in light flow, which I uninstalled.
Nerdslogic, let me put it this way to you. The Galaxy Nexus is going to be the most supported handset on the face of the planet for quite a while. I expect it to put the og droid following to shame. This included both official google support as well as the custom ROM community. You can compare stock experience just days after release if you want, but in my mind, that would be like comparing the og droid experience with the competitors of its release week. Does anyone even remember what was out back then.. I didn't think so. Neither will we remember these "competitors" months from now. All of the "issues" are being reported, both to google dev and the rom community... fixes are on the way...

I have had zero "issues". My only concerns are based around the fact that this handset was released with efficiency locked... and no other options. Everything is dialed down... sound, antenna power (to some.. i dont have this issue), even the processor is severely underclocked to make it seem like battery life is fantastic. Custom ROMs will give us these options back... so we at least have the choice. Razr if you want to, but I think you will find yourself left in the dust wishing you had made a different decision later.
Get the Nexus. Its dope. Yea its a little flawed right now. but with updates It'll all be smoothed out. It's Googles baby right now. Its going to be taken care of.
The phone has been out for like 19 minutes. In addition to being a brand new high end device, it has a BRAND NEW OS. The most simple of devices have teething issues when they first drop.

Dont sweat it. The GNex is a cutting edge device and is the darling baby of Google, all the issues (which, of course, are dramatically overblown here. Both by people who do own them, and many who only pretend to).

Additionally there is a 14 day grace period. If you dont like it, and wish to exchange it, do so. Same as with all the others here. My guess is that very few will exchange it, even though they could. The Nexus is a wicked device, and I am pretty sure I will keep mine and watch the upgrades roll in.
I had the Razr before I got my Nexus and I can honestly say everything about the Nexus is better ( except for the thickness and maybe the battery life ). I hated the Razr! It felt horrible in my hand due to being to thin and too wide!! The screen was horrible.. whites were grey, blacks were greenish.. text was blurry I didn't like it at all. The nexus feels better looks better and IMO performs better. I haven't had any issues with mine and was very quick to sell my Razr after the first day with the Nexus!!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I haven't even paid attention to the Razr or Rezound because I knew I was getting the Nexus. I knew there would be bugs, potentially major ones, but nothing some software couldn't fix. Add to that a huge dev community, the newer processor and I'm already rooted, there's just no comparison. And a some of the bugs already have software fixes. Plus its just sexy ;) But those are the reasons I got it, and I love it! Removable battery is a game changer for me, much more than a removable SD card. That's all I know that the Nexus has over the Razr. ICS isn't a reason to buy a phone. But vanilla ICS is! I really think it comes down to whether you want to root or not.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I had a rental razr. It was nice but I am definitely pleased I switched. The razr is awkward to hold because it is so wide. I like the extra weight and thickness of the nexus. I like to be able to feel what I'm holding. ICS is awesome too.
That being said, the battery life is pretty dreadful. It seems to drain much faster than the razr. Its not a deal breaker though, for me at least.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I think the most important thing to look at is there doesn't seem to be any hardware problems with the Nexus, since many people aren't having a lot of the issues being mentioned. What this means is, software updates can resolve any issues you may see someone mention. The best thing about the Nexus is it has a direct line to Google for updates, they're going to be constantly updating this device, which bodes well for it's improvement in the future, but also for keeping it relevant for longer than the average phone. We saw an update to 4.0.2 an hour after the Nexus was activated and they've already released a statement for the 4.0.3 update so one would assume this is going to be the norm until most, if not all problems are corrected.

The only problem I see that may not be resolved by software updates is the data drops some people get going from 3G to 4G/4G to 3G, I truly think this is a problem with the LTE network and only happens in certain locations. I wish we could get a thread going where people who have that specific issue would post their general location so we could do a data plot and see if it's certain areas of the LTE network that have issues with the data speed transitions.

The reason I think the data drop issue is network related is because we've seen it across all 4G devices, so it's either the radios themselves(unlikely since a couple phones have different LTE radios), or most likely Verizon's network in certain locations.

I'll end with saying I'm extremely happy with the Nexus. I used the OG for over 2 years waiting for a worthy replacement, the first few weeks/months were a little buggy as all new tech/operating systems are, but as updates rolled in the OG became a thing of beauty and a piece of technology that I'll probably remember forever and I think the same will be said about the Nexus.