

New Member
Dec 5, 2011
Reaction score
OK, so I really liked my Rezound but the battery life was completely horrific. Loved the superb connectivity and sense. Extended battery was just too big and didn't really last all that much longer. Ended up taking it back and got the RAZR. Almost 30 days in and I'm really liking it. Battery life is OK, it's snappy and smooth and really have not had any problems with it at all. However considering I can still exchange it for the Nexus I really am having a hard time deciding if it's worth the switch? ICS is on the way, call and speaker quality on this phone is excellent and the camera is decent as well. For those of you that have had both or have experience with both, am I really missing much once I get ICS? I just don't want to miss the opportunity to own a nexus if it's a must have. I know this subject has been beat to death but would appreciate any and all input/insight. 2 days and I'm married to to my RAZR. Thanks!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
I haven't owned the RAZR but just a couple things to think about since you like it so much. Hardware-wise i don't think there's any advantage one way or the other really. Yeah there are differences but I don't think anything that major. Since the RAZR will also get ICS the only thing you're really missing is having ICS now. The big thing the Nexus has over the RAZR is fully unlockable since you can unlock its bootloader as well as root. (I'm assuming the RAZR can be/is rooted I don't know though)

If you don't care about an unlocked bootloader though and the RAZR can be/is rooted (if that even matters to you) then there's not really a reason to switch other than faster stock OS updates. I should note though that I'm not sure how ROMs work on locked bootloader rooted phones as my last phone was the OG Droid which was also fully unlocked like the Nexus.
I am pretty sure I would not consider the Razr on par with the Nexus or even the Rezound. I have played with all three quite a bit and I think those are the 2 best phones available right now.

The only gripes I have with the Rezound is that it looks so dated and I prefer the screen on the Nexus. I wish HTC would have went with a more redesigned and modern look. It reminds me too much of my 2 yr old Incredible.

I was kind of leaning toward maybe getting a Rezound, but I am leaning toward sticking with the Nexus. I love the screen, and overall design. I think the fact that Google is going to keep the Nexus always updated is going to be the kicker.

The Nexus is just on a level by itself when it comes to mfg support. That is the toughest part to let go.