Download Lithium Mod:
Lithium Mod V1.0.12 - Stock Theme
Custom Themes [all themes are full roms]:
Alternative Dark Theme [by: roberj] - screen shots
Black Glass [by: 928Droid] - (LINK TO ORIGINAL THREAD)
Blueberry Flavored Froyo (Blue)[by: JRummy16/AdamZ] - screen shots
Black N Bold [by: thebowers] - screen shots (coming soon)
Collision Theme [by: JRummy16] - screen shots
Daiquri Ice Flavored Froyo (Cyan) [by: JRummy16] - screen shots
Droid X Theme [by: Fabulous/JRummy16] - screen shots
Droid X Theme with Black Bar [by: JRummy16] - screen shots
EVO Theme [by: manup456] - screen shots
Gala Theme [by: hexzamatic] - screen shots
Golden Elegance [by kookahdoo] - screen shots
Key Lime Pie [by: JRummy16] - screen shots
inTIGERation Theme [by: luniz7] - screen shots
Insanely Clean Theme [by: Insanenemisis] - screen shots
Watermarke'D Theme [by: stewart1champ] - screen shots
Nex Tang Theme [by: manup456] - screen shots
Nex Theme [by: manup456] - screen shots
Purple Passion [by: roberj/bgill] - screen shots
Pink-Life Theme [by: JRummy16] - screen shots (coming soon)
Strawberry Flavored Froyo (Red) [by: JRummy16] - screen shots
Red Glass Theme [by: cuttalot/JRummy16/roberj] - screen shots
Phone Slider Fix(stock themed sliders and phone i think)-credit to chewy74 for the find
(coming soon)
P3Droid Kernels
-Built from source [JRummy]
-FRG01B proprietary files & gapps [p3droid/cvpcs]
-Fully zipaligned and deodexed & optimized
-Bash shell and compiled Busybox 1.16.2
-Absolute system app [canvs2321]
-Lithium Mod custom settings [Billygalbreath/JRummy] (more to come)
-Added Jrummy's all in one script (type allinone in terminal)
-10% battery increments [CyanogenMod/JRummy]
-Reboot and reboot recovery options [billygalbreath/CyanogenMod]
-WyContacts for more customization [Wysie, port to Froyo by Sileht]
-cyphone app for more customization/tweaks [cytown/CyanogenMod]
-Full exchange support [cavillis]
-Modified stock kernel for increased performance
-Added 7 screens and 2D Launcher2 [JRummy/Insanenemisis]
-270 degree rotation in Launcher2
-Increased snap velocity and 3D fly in effect time for Launcher2
-Added 16 custom wallpapers [JaeThemes/Prash]
-Full MusicMod [Eliot Stocker]
-Transparency in status bar [Xeudoxus]
-Custom live wallpapers based on Chris Soyar's Sexied up lwp
-Custom MagicSmoke & Music Visualization Live Wallpapers (themes only)
-DeskClock style tweaks [Nathan Zachary]
-Reduced ring delay & wifi scan time (battery savor)
-Spare parts for nice tweaking
-Disabled ads by default
-Updated to FRG01B build.fingerprint
Custom Scripts:
allinone - Downloads/installs BootAni, Fonts, LWP's and extra apps. apps2sd, setcpu, zipalign, flash recovery, free memory, backup/restore, show/block ads, camera soud off, othe kewl stuffs.
sysrw/mountsys - mounts system read/write
sysro/unmountsys - mounts system read only
rb - reboots device
rr - reboots into recovery
Clockwork Installation Instructions:
-Update & backup any files you wish to restore, this will wipe /data
-Place the ROM on the root of your sdcard
-Reboot into recovery mode (hold the power and "x" button at the same time)
-Wipe data/cache if desired/think is necessary
-Install ZIP from sdcard
-Choose ZIP from sdcard
-Reboot and Enjoy!
IRC Channel:
IRC Channel for real time support
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