Updated 3:13PM EST: Attn: Those of you who get a blank screen when trying to load a ROM (confirmed working): This issue was found with CM6 and UD 3.5, and maybe other custom ROMs. Solution: flash Bgill55's Market Fix found here: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/team-chaos/49974-market-update-fix-froyo-leaked-version-2-a.html#post532617
It's finally out, the world's first Android Playstation emulator! Cheer out loud, nobody will judge you, I promise. You can tell from this ongoing PSX Emulator thread, that many have been waiting on this moment for months. And the skeptics out there had just shrugged it off as vaporware. But it has finally arrived, as psx4droid. Yong Zhu, developer of the popular Android emulators (GBAoid, SNESoid, GBCoid, GameBoid, etc.), teamed up with Apple's most famous emulator developer, Zodttd. And after months of painstakingly hard work, they have finally released the initial version of PSX4Droid.
Here's the details:
You can purchase psx4droid now from the Android Market for $5.99USD. It claims to be available for 'all Android versions', but there seems to be some issues seeing the app in the Market if you're running custom FroYo ROMs (like Sapphire or CyanogenMod). My hunch, this will probably be fixed soon.psx4droid is the famous PSX emulator for Android 2.x devices.
It's fast and feature packed including:
- Supports eboot format! (compressed too!)
- BlueTooth (WiiMote) controller support
- Trackball d-pad
- Memory card / save states.
- On-screen control overlays
- Scaling modes
- much more
Latest version: 1.0 (for all Android versions)
So get going, let's see those Final Fantasies loaded up on your Droids! Download psx4droid on the Android Market, AppBrain or Androilb. And keep an eye out for DroidForum.Net's own review of this much anticipated title as well.
Android Market QR Code:

Thanks to MustangGT500 for the tip, and Shadez for the links!
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