Problems with latitude


New Member
Dec 12, 2009
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First off, I have a droid and my wife has the droid eris.

1. I have her listed in mycontacts on gmail and she is in my contacts on my phone, but when I tried to add her on latitude, she wasn't listed. By the way, it was set on all contacts. The only way I could add her was by actually typing in her email address. Does anyone know what's going on with this?

2. When I bring her up in latitude, the only contact options are by gmail, or google talk. When I do the same thing from her phone, there is an option to call, email, shout out, etc.... Are the contact options in latitude different for android 1.6/2.0, or is this a glitch?

I know it's not really a big deal, I can just exit maps and call her. But it would be very convenient if I could just call her from latitude. (When I get off work, I just check latitude to see if she's still at work or if she's home already.)
1. I'm having the same problem. The only person that I sent a "formal" invitation to through my Google online account via my computer is not on the list.

2. Where did you see these options? When I typed in my friends email address (the one that I sent the invite to), all it said was "add friends" then off it went.
we are struggling with getting each other on our latitudes too... we both have Moto Droid, both have gmail, both invited each other...
Those contact options I was referring to were only available after we had already added each other. When in latitude, if you click on a friend's icon, then click on the word bubble, it will bring up a list of ways to contact that person.
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This is a response that I got in another forum. Worked for me so far but I haven't had a chance to test it out fully:

You have to go to your Gmail contacts and change the Email Address Label for each contact.

My contacts that have email addresses were labeled as "Other". When I changed the label to "Home", they started showing up in Lattitude.

Also, on the Droid, I had to do a manual sync for my Gmail account after I changed all the labels.
Menu / Settings / Accounts & Sync / Select Gmail / Menu / Sync Now

I had also posted a question on the Google Latitude forum and the official response from the Google rep was that they know there is a bug with not all names showing up which they are working on fixing.
First off, I have a droid and my wife has the droid eris.

1. I have her listed in mycontacts on gmail and she is in my contacts on my phone, but when I tried to add her on latitude, she wasn't listed. By the way, it was set on all contacts. The only way I could add her was by actually typing in her email address. Does anyone know what's going on with this?

2. When I bring her up in latitude, the only contact options are by gmail, or google talk. When I do the same thing from her phone, there is an option to call, email, shout out, etc.... Are the contact options in latitude different for android 1.6/2.0, or is this a glitch?

I know it's not really a big deal, I can just exit maps and call her. But it would be very convenient if I could just call her from latitude. (When I get off work, I just check latitude to see if she's still at work or if she's home already.)
You and your wife have the same phone combo that I have with my wife. There was no problems getting the two phones to see each other on the maps. I am very curious to hear how accurate her eris is with indicated location vs actual. My wife's isn't so accurate.