As mentioned, all phones have their own pros and cons, and features. There is no hands down best, and there probably never will be. There are some that are better in certain categories, and may have some features other phones lack, while it lacks features another phone has. But since everyone's needs or wants are different, everyone's perfect phone is different.
For example, the Bionic has a lot of people wanting it, but it doesn't have a physical keyboard, it may be blurred and locked down, it has a Pentile display (some people don't like these), and it may be a 4.5" screen making it a fairly large piece of technology. Maybe it's camera is terrible compared to the DInc2 (completely making this up, I don't pay attention to cameras as I almost never use mine, just kind of an for instance situation).
Thought that the samsung galaxy 2 wasn't coming to Verizon?
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It is coming, SGS2 is getting rebranded for stateside release, like it did with the original SGS (Fascinate, Epic, Vibrant). The Verizon version I believe is going to be called the SGS2 Function. What it's features are, what it looks like, and when it is coming out isn't known as of yet.