MIUI 0.12.31 Full Changelog

A developer dies a little inside every time someone asks for an ETA.

lmaooo, it's funny just how true that is
hope everyone had a good time at their New Years parties!

btw, if this release is anything like the previous. It should be out by tonight, or tomorrow night at the latest (just a guestimate, please nobody flame me for guessing for the devs, just an observation)
Check out Jamezelle's Twitter. He said 12.31 is probably not going to be out this week. Too many reboot issues.
Check out Jamezelle's Twitter. He said 12.31 is probably not going to be out this week. Too many reboot issues.

Booooooooooo :(

Ahh what can ya do man? Jamezelle don't release junk...least we got the data cap hack for 12.24 just now. Pretty cool.

Its all good man. I appreciate all the great work Jamzelle, MO and Zen have done for this community. Had they not put their heads together, we would still be running the old fashioned roms..:icon_ banana:
im still trying different stuff, trying to get this damn thing stable :-|
im still trying different stuff, trying to get this damn thing stable :-|

yep, take your time man, we understand all you put out are stable releases. But if you get to a point where you're looking for beta testers, I'm totally up to it man. Love your work
im still trying different stuff, trying to get this damn thing stable :-|

yep, take your time man, we understand all you put out are stable releases. But if you get to a point where you're looking for beta testers, I'm totally up to it man. Love your work

I second that notion!! I never have any issues with the releases, no reboots, you name it. Miui always runs perfect for me. I'd run a beta any day.:)
12.24 is perfect here as well, no rush! Of course I could really use the new MIUI Gallery, it has the thumbnail bug fixed!
Expect this to be released soon. I have the 0.12.31 beta and its running fine with no problems. It also fades the icons which switching screens.
Expect this to be released soon. I have the 0.12.31 beta and its running fine with no problems. It also fades the icons which switching screens.

ooooooooo soooo JEALOUS right now lol. I'm over here pressing F5 over and over cause I'm so bored with nothing to do right now, feel like playin around with something MIUI related, but idk what

(btw, the above message contained no sarcasm whatsoever)
Expect this to be released soon. I have the 0.12.31 beta and its running fine with no problems. It also fades the icons which switching screens.

Yeah I have been enjoying it too. Must say that this release seems a lot snappier for some reason. Well worth the wait!