Hey everyone,
Quick question pertaining to Gingerbread V.5 gallery. When i want to share a picture via tweetdeck, or gmail, i noticed that in the Blur Gallery, if I hit the share icon, it says share via and then says No applications can perform this action.
Any ideas? this is the ONE thing that I cannot do with Liberty GB.. and its a feature I use quite often.
Replying here or @airforcegeek on twitter would be appreciated. I've tried installing the social networking and other things part of the Liberty Customizer but that didnt help...
Quick question pertaining to Gingerbread V.5 gallery. When i want to share a picture via tweetdeck, or gmail, i noticed that in the Blur Gallery, if I hit the share icon, it says share via and then says No applications can perform this action.
Any ideas? this is the ONE thing that I cannot do with Liberty GB.. and its a feature I use quite often.
Replying here or @airforcegeek on twitter would be appreciated. I've tried installing the social networking and other things part of the Liberty Customizer but that didnt help...