I was able to "hack" ... literally ... my old Droid X2 dock into a RMHD dock (http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-razr-maxx-hd/231391-droid-x2-dock-hack.html#post2340414). This is a great bedside solution allowing me to charge my RMHD in the dark without fumbling, wiggling, the small micro-usb jack ... which always seems to be upside down!
Unfortunately, the RMHD does not have seem to have any sort of magnetic dock detection like the old X2. RMHD cannot automatically know whether or not to go into alarm or car dock modes. As a matter of fact, the RMHD doesn't even have those modes available as part of the stock OS.
Does anyone know what Motorola's plans are regarding home docks and car cradles and how they will interact with SmartActions?
Unfortunately, the RMHD does not have seem to have any sort of magnetic dock detection like the old X2. RMHD cannot automatically know whether or not to go into alarm or car dock modes. As a matter of fact, the RMHD doesn't even have those modes available as part of the stock OS.
Does anyone know what Motorola's plans are regarding home docks and car cradles and how they will interact with SmartActions?