Is there an app or service I can disable or freeze to stop magnetic sensing?


Jan 2, 2011
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I got a holster with a magnetic catch on it and it's launching car dock or home dock, draining my battery.

I know there are posts on this subject.

I have a car dock, but it's after-market with NO magnetic trigger built in. I use a "car mode" app to put it into car mode when I get into my car, which also auto-launches bluetooth, tuns my audio up, and turns on the GPS.


Worked a little, but the phone still detected that it was in a dock. It stopped the car dock app from launching and it let the screen time out, but it still allowed my bluetooth to auto-launch and turn on my GPS.


The CAR DOCK feature didn't launch, but the CAR HOME icon still appears and the aforementioned features still auto-launch.

I'd like to find out if there's something I can freeze, block, etc, that will stop the phone from magnetic detecting.

Actually, quick update: I think I may have solved my problem searching around (been at this for 3 hours since I got my new, after-market case following the breaking of my Verizon case).

I've installed NODOCK from the market (trail version, good for 7 days).

It requires root access, but was exactly what I was looking goes to the root level of the phone to disable the phone's ability to respond to any magnetic detections. Seems to work like a champ. I tested on my home dock and there was absolutely no response by the phone from being inserted into the dock (or my new holder).

I can still manually launch "Car Mode" to put the phone into car dock mode (which was my practice all along, since my 3rd party car dock has no magnets in it anyway).

The only flaw I found was that if you reboot the phone, it doesn't remember the NODOCK setting, so I have to restart the app if I had rebooted my phone, but not really a big deal, except for the fact that I have to leave it rooted.

I'll experiement with rooting, running NODOCK, then unrooting the phone and see if it retains the settings after reboot.

I fly planes for a living, so I have to shut down the phone frequently.