Lithium Mod Returns with More devices

What do ya want? A play by play? It's possible they're on an IRC chat. Maybe you can follow along there.

lol, i'm not talking about the progress, i just figured that more people would be excited about this and have more traffic.
I would be but feels like bb now no offense to dev

but lith mod was posted in july with its release we are headed in to nov that almost a 4 month period of an un updated rom i understand people have lives and what not but cant really expect everyone to just be like whoopy after such a long drought when other roms are constantly being worked on and improved upon new and upcoming devs and such like my title says just feels much like BB bb 4 sat there forever then bb5 came out and honestly was quite disappointed with it was not at all a step forward from bb4 so when the day comes that a release is put out or discussion of up coming mods and changes and logs then sure ppl will start replying.
I hate it when people start acting like they deserve an updated rom every month. Do you all honestly understand how much work this is? Especially when the "donations" average out to pennies per dl....I'm anxious too - I probably check these threads 3x a day - but I also understand that these guys and girls have lives - jobs, wives, kids, etc. Despite all the whining and complaining for a free service they STILL take the time out to work on these roms for everyone....and you can bet its not for the money, cuz there's a lot of cheap bastards out there....ok, that's enough ranting. I don't mean to attack anyone specifically people- just please be patient and appreciative and kick 3-5 bucks per dl to the various devs....isn't it worth it? Hell, its not that much if they only release once every few months.
I can see why it takes so long for these things to get updated. Since lithmods release there has only been one update on the stock rom and it wasn't a huge one. So now there can hardly be that much to make it better. Personally I've tried a couple other roms since, but I keep check on this b/c it was probably the most completely themed ROM out. You had more than a dozen choices for themes and all of them worked great. You didnt need to go and ask themers to port. Most of it was already there. It's still a great ROM with very few problems. It runs as fast as most any other and with the right kernel combo it may run as cool as any other. That usually has more to do with the phone and personal use and experience. There's no one size fits all. If that was the case we'd all still be running stock.
With so many roms and themes out there we should be more patient, yes i am just as excited abouy the next LM update but when it drops it will be worth it,patience is a virtue people

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I agree with the last few. Lm is great and I check once or twice a day but I'm not gonna whine about it. It is a great rom with Awesome themes. All that takes time.

I love red themes and only about half the roms IMO have decent red ones so I'm used to waiting for a rom/theme I like.

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Whats the word on the test release? Update please?

Edit: Also, will there be clock/notification updates for this release?
Well as of right now I believe the incredible rom is having its kernel worked on and tweaked and the Droid rom is having some kinks ironed out
Cool. Thanks for the update. Lithium with York's red theme has been my favorite rom/theme so far. I only switched to have the latest fr22d so I'm looking forward to going back to lithium :)

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I love this mod. The creator did an exelent job.

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Thanks for the release! I'm downloading now

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I will be personally handling themes for this by user request. So just tell me what you want and ill have it up in the 1st post