Ever since I have owned a my OG droid, I loved coming on and seeing posts and such and reading others comments about the OG droid. Surprisingly enough, like others I was able to use my OG droid, which I sometimes miss at this point, up to the point of me getting the DB. Now when I come on the forums, it seems there are to many issues to even read through about it. Just doesn't have the same feel like the OG did and to me, seems that it has more negative to say about it than positive. I know this is me just ranting my feelings, and yes they are just my opinions which should mean nothing to everyone unless you feel the same way, but really, where is the love for the DB? I know there are many new and exciting phones coming out such as the RAZR/Maxx and upcoming the Droid 4. But really? I had the OG for over 2 years and seemed to have excitement using that phone on a daily basis either with new roms or exciting break through s with the phone. I know the big difference is the locked bootloader and yes that really sucks, but there just seems to be no excitement anymore about this phone and it doesn't seem that even the Dev's want anything to do with it.
Anyways, just ranting. Getting sick of owning a phone that is really good, but just doesnt have the same flare as the OG did. GG Motorola for locking the boot loader. :frown:
Anyways, just ranting. Getting sick of owning a phone that is really good, but just doesnt have the same flare as the OG did. GG Motorola for locking the boot loader. :frown: