
Mar 13, 2010
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Galaxy Note 5
Ok I did a search but nothing came up specifically for the droid x.

I've been reading about launcher pro or adw launcher and things like that.

My question is what do you use these for, which do you recommend, and I tried to find them in the market to no avail.

Any advice for my newbie behind? :)

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I have used both on My D1, and am using ADW right now. Currently, my wife has LaucherPro on her X. I personally like the ADW launcher a little better. It has a bit more customizations - I like that. You can change the themes/colors very easy -- stuff is in the market, and for free!

Keep searching the market -- its in there.
Yeah can't find lp plus...must be user error

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I have used both on My D1, and am using ADW right now. Currently, my wife has LaucherPro on her X. I personally like the ADW launcher a little better..

I have used both myself & decided I preferred LPP +.

I love the scrollable docks which at that time where not available in ADW.

I like adw as well. I never tried pro + only pro.

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Yeah can't find lp plus...must be user error

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launcher pro plus is the one that you pay for. when you pay you get an unlock code that you redeem. It has more widgets, you can resize apps and widgets, and some other benefits.
I tried both free versions. The free version of LP totally locked up my wife's phone, I probably would have had a really hard time regaining control if it hadn't happened to other people who posted a fix in this forum.

Presently using ADW on her phone, & the paid version, ADW ex, on mine. So far it's the only app I've paid for, and I'm happy with it.

The biggest difference between LP & ADW seemed to be LP's built-in widgets. Otherwise they seem to operate pretty much the same/similarly.

I searched for "launcher" in the market and they all showed up.
Basically, they let you configure your layout/setup with many more options than the stock launcher. Most people find them to be faster/smoother too. There are some pretty informative videos on youtube about them if you really want to see them in action
What about GoLauncher? I had Launcher Pro Plus and loved it, but it was causing my X to reboot lots! 5 or 6 times a day. I switched launchers and haven't had a single reboot since. I've heard that it is has been a problem for lots of people. I'm going to stick with GoLauncher until the rewrite of LP and see if that fixes things. Or not. GoLauncher is kinda awesome...
+1 for go launcher, really like the horizontal scroll in app drawer & no lag on apps in drawer like I get with LP

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I use Launcher Pro was stated, you download and instal Launcher pro free version, and if you deire the additional capabilities of the Plus option, then you pay the $1.99 and receive an "unlock code" that you inpput into the app.

I also have ADW Launcher installed as well, just to see which worked better for me. ADW is certainly a good launcer, has a ton of themes to go with it, as well as icon packs. I just personally like some of the features of LPP better..

They are used to replace the "stock Android Launcher"...and generally, they are faster. slicker, and offer more customization options, either in the launcher itself, or by way of additional widgets, icons and the like.
If you ever mod then you can try out the modified versions that piggyback along with the rom. One thing I like about adw ex are the preset settings. I'd be down to try LP pro but I may need more than 24hours to figure out if I hate it or not!

If you ever mod then you can try out the modified versions that piggyback along with the rom. One thing I like about adw ex are the preset settings. I'd be down to try LP pro but I may need more than 24hours to figure out if I hate it or not!

Download the free Launcher does about 10% less of what the paid Plus adds...
I use Launcher Pro on my DX and ADW grab. For my DX I like Launcher. How you which between multiple laundering?