ive finally had enough and called VZW

Domestic violence

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Dec 26, 2009
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Long time customer (10 years) never any real problems to speak of. Among other phones, had the OG Droid, DroidX and now the GNex. I bought the Nexus on launch day with great anticipation and expectations of the LTE speeds. Almost immediately, the data drops began but after reading, I hoped that the problems stemmed from network problems and not hardware.

I waited for updates and simply stopped using LTE because my phone, while it had a strong signal, it simply will not maintain that connection. Yesterday, I received numerous text messages asking why I wasn't answering the phone. It never rang....

I finally called VZW and spoke with 3 different reps (at their doing, not my request). After informing then that I have updated the software and PRL correctly along with a factory reset, the problem has only worsened

They opened a trouble ticket and also said "I see you had many devices. This must be an inconvenience" to which I agreed but stopped short of requesting an alternative device. I figure I'll let them offer (hopefully) and then expect a debate when they try to offer me a rezound or razr.

Anyone know what I should expect?


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2012
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How much was your nexus? You can pRobably go go for a rezound/extended battery or a maxx.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


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Sep 5, 2010
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Honestly, at this point I'd be satisfied with an iPhone4S

Daaaaaaang. You are fed up aren't you?
Did anyone at Verizon suggest, or have you tried ,a battery pull, remove the SIM card and leave it out for a minute, put it back, power up the phone? That cured my phone calls problem on my Rezound.

Support Our Troops!!!
A Rezound phone was used for this Tapatalk post


Dec 8, 2010
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Medinah, IL
There could be a couple of factors affecting your phone. When you were talking to VZW what was their protocol in regards to the LTE connection issue. In the past I've have spent an hour on the phone with them trying to figure my connection problems. They were busy running background pinging trying to determine my issue. Did they ever mention tower / network issues? Also your dBm signal strength is a big factor in your phones radio performance as well. You mentioned a strong signal in your post; what is your dBm reading? Ideally anything -85dBm and below is good. Also Samsung is not known for the best radios and it can be even hit or miss on specific phones coming off the production line. It might just be as simple as a mediocore radio paired with fair LTE tower reception. Also you have not mentioned what OS your are running. Even on 4.0.4 the radios can still be tweaked better. The newest JB leaks and the custom ICS roms are very promising with users reporting good results. I would not give up just yet; explore your options if you have the time. Droid Forums sister site "Galaxy Nexus Forum" is a great place to start; tons of info and dev support.

Galaxy Nexus Forum - Samsung Galaxy Nexus Community

And as a last resort going to CLN phone replacement opens a whole can of worms as well. You can possibly go thru several phones before you get one that works correctly.
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Jun 28, 2011
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Long time customer (10 years) never any real problems to speak of. Among other phones, had the OG Droid, DroidX and now the GNex. I bought the Nexus on launch day with great anticipation and expectations of the LTE speeds. Almost immediately, the data drops began but after reading, I hoped that the problems stemmed from network problems and not hardware.

I waited for updates and simply stopped using LTE because my phone, while it had a strong signal, it simply will not maintain that connection. Yesterday, I received numerous text messages asking why I wasn't answering the phone. It never rang....

I finally called VZW and spoke with 3 different reps (at their doing, not my request). After informing then that I have updated the software and PRL correctly along with a factory reset, the problem has only worsened

They opened a trouble ticket and also said "I see you had many devices. This must be an inconvenience" to which I agreed but stopped short of requesting an alternative device. I figure I'll let them offer (hopefully) and then expect a debate when they try to offer me a rezound or razr.

Anyone know what I should expect?
while not a 4g phone, the Samsung Fascinate had an issue with texts not going through and there was a replacement policy in place where you got a choice of 4 phones.

That said, my Rezound was dropping LTE left and right, but from folks who had the ICS leak and then the update, they all said it was fixed, so I waited for my ICS. Sure enough, it got fixed.

Now if it didn't I'd have demanded a replacement since its only 2 m onths old. as a PP said, if they've done various steps to diagnose and still nothing, i'd have asked for a replacement.
Domestic violence

Domestic violence

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Dec 26, 2009
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Signal was -93 as I spoke with them... and did not fluctuate.

This was a flagship/premium device that is a disappointment. I told him that I can't even use LTE and he basically agreed with me. Battery pu, SIm reseating have both been done. This just constantly drops signals.

Any other phones that have been problematic (BB storm and Tour) they sent out CLNR's without so much as a question. Them opening a service ticket and mentioning the inconvenience was odd.


Dec 8, 2010
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Medinah, IL
Other than modding your current phone (totally up to you) I would go with the Razr Maxx. Rock solid phone; great radios, good battery life, and also running ICS. The Rezound is also a good choice (decent dev support). I prefer Moto's build quality and radios over HTC. You should have no problem getting a different phone of YOUR choice just as long as it is not a current flagship model VZW is selling. I am also a 10 year plus VZW customer and I can tell you that this is definitely in your favor (they do check). Just make sure you ask them to send you an SD card if you decide go to the Razr MAxx or Rezound; it's only fair that your memory is comparable. Push for a 32GB if possible but they might only give you a 16GB card.
Domestic violence

Domestic violence

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Dec 26, 2009
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I don't want to mod and quite frankly shouldn't have to

16/32gb makes no difference to me


Dec 8, 2010
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Medinah, IL
Then I would kick the GNex to the curb and move if you want an unaltered phone. One of the main selling points of the Nexus is a more pure android experience (VZW borked that) and the vast modding options available.


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Dec 21, 2011
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New York City
I'm at tier2 with the same problem. Was on the phone yesterday and nothing they tried worked. It was bumped to a supervisor and am waiting for a call back. This is a replacement phone, my third. Did not have a 4G problem with the other 2. I'm waiting for reviews of the new Motorola maxx hd phones. Specs and size look good.


Dec 7, 2010
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Domestic violence said:
Signal was -93 as I spoke with them... and did not fluctuate.

This was a flagship/premium device that is a disappointment. I told him that I can't even use LTE and he basically agreed with me. Battery pu, SIm reseating have both been done. This just constantly drops signals.

Any other phones that have been problematic (BB storm and Tour) they sent out CLNR's without so much as a question. Them opening a service ticket and mentioning the inconvenience was odd.

This was positioned as a flagship device, but never supported as such. Therefore it has never been a true flagship device.


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Domestic violence

Domestic violence

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Dec 26, 2009
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My point is that I shouldn't have to mod or swap radios for it to hold a 4G data connection.

I gave it plenty of time and waited patiently for 4.0.4 which didn't help anything.

The rep even said his personal Nexus suffered the same issues and he was able to get rid of it.

Maybe they'll offer a different device. At this point, like I said, I'd even take an iPhone4S even with the 5 due out in a couple weeks.
Domestic violence

Domestic violence

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Dec 26, 2009
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AND especially now, I don't want to mod anything should they swap this out for something else.