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[HOW TO] Unlock Rezound's Bootloader [HTCdev.com]


Premium Member
Premium Member

First and foremost, you need to understand what you are doing:
-You are voiding your warranty!
-You can possibly brick (rendered useless aka expensive paperweight) your phone!​

To avoid such:
-Read! Read! Read!
-If stuck, ask! ask! ask! We are all here for you!

Lets get started shall we?

Next, we need to visit HTC Dev and sign up for a free account if you have not done so already.

Once you have gotten your email and have activated your HTC Dev account, we can get started!

Now visit HTC Dev's Unlock Bootloader site.

On the right hand side you will see the "Begin Unlock Bootloader" button. Click it!
(Note that if you view the compatible devices, Rezound will NOT be listed, do not worry, for this method still works)​


-Click "Yes" to continue.

-You must accept the legal terms here, basically its saying that:
-HTC and your carrier are NOT responsible for your actions
-You are voiding your warranty
-If you screw up, look to the community for help, not us, or we will charge you full price for a new phone


Now we can finally get started! You can follow the instructions on the website, or you can follow them here. They are the same. I am simply re-posting for reference and ease of access (and making my own tweaks to better understand).

Danger! Dragons lay ahead! This will factory reset your phone! Thus loosing everything! (It did for me at least)

1. You followed above and have created and HTC Dev account
2. You have the proper HTC Drivers and HTC Sync installed
3. You have the Android SDK installed (instructions below for Windows base machines)
4. Your Rezound is in fastboot mode, connected via USB to your computer
5. Your Rezound has a fully charged battery
6. The HTC Dev site instruction page open, following along, as you will need to interact with the site when it comes time, note, my instructions may be a bit different our out of order, I assure you, they are the same.​

You will need the Android SDK installed, specifically the tools and platform tools (if you already have it installed, great, run SDK Manager and update the tools package if you have not done so in some time). Here's how:
1. Visit Android Dev here to download the appropriate package for your computer (I will be using Windows).

2. Select the Windows .zip package and save it.

3. Once you have it saved, unzip it to the root of your C:\ drive, so it should look like so:

4. Next open up "android-sdk-windows" folder and double click on "SDK Manager." You only need the following:
-You can un-check anything else (except for maybe the Google USB Drivers, you can leave that selected).

5. Let it do its thing, once its done, you click on close on the dialogue box and exit out of the SDK manager.

6. You should now have a "platform-tools" folder and within that folder we are looking for three things specifically:​
**Make sure these three files are there (yes, there are others, ignore them).

You now have the Android SDK Platform Tools installed!
7. Make sure your Rezound is in fastboot mode (power down the phone, battery pull (battery pull in important), power back up while holding volume down phone) and connected to your computer via USB cable. From the fastboot menu, select "Fastboot" using the power button.

Now here is where it gets a bit confusing if you are not very tech savvy, so please follow along closely and ask if you don't understand.

8. Open up a command prompt window (Windows Key + R as the shortcut or Start-->All Programs-->Accessories-->Command Prompt

9. Remember where you saved your Android SDK files? We need to go there from command prompt, type the following:

cd C:\android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\

(or use whatever directory you used)

10. Then you need to type:

fastboot oem get_identifier_token
11. You will get a big block of numbers and letter. This is what you need. Following along with the HTC Dev site as well, keep going through the steps until you get to this part and to the part where is asks for this block.



IMPORTANT! You need everything including the text that reads: <<<< Identifier Token Start >>>> and <<<<< Identifier Token End >>>>>.
(Leave the command prompt window open, you will need this still)

Paste this info into the submit field and click on submit!

Next, after the code is accepted, you will receive an email with a file attached, Unlock_code.bin. Download this file and save it in your Android SDK Platform Tools folder with the adb.exe and fastboot.exe files are located. If you followed how I did it, should be C:\android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\

Now lets actually unlock the phone!
12. With the command prompt window still open, type:

fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin
13. A very beautiful screen shall pop up on the phone, asking you to unlock! Use volume button to scroll, power button to select.14. I hope that selected "Yes?" Right? I hope so!

The Rezound you own now has an unlocked bootloader!
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Using Mac OS X to Unlock

This was taken straight from here, over at xda-developers, where "xjedi" wrote up this nice write up for unlocking on a Mac

I had trouble unlocking the bootloader on my iMac but got it to work.

Just posting this to help out my fellow Mac Heads who've turned from the evil iPhone. :D

Unlocking your bootloader will probably or definitely void your warranty. I am in no way responsible for you screwing up your beautiful Rezound. (K, that's out of the way.)

Prep work:

1. I had an old Android SDK and couldn't get it to work.
HTC Dev site stated I only needed adb and fastboot for this (but I don't remember when I actually used an adb command). Anyhoo... download the latest Android SDK from the link provided by HTC Dev from the link at the right side (as your following the process). Save and uncompress it in the root of your hard drive and rename it ' android ' (no single quotes) - this step just makes it easier.

2. Check if there is a 'platform-tools' folder. If not then in the 'tools' folder just double click the 'android' file and it'll open Terminal and run the Android SDK Manager app. I only checked the 'Android SDK Platform-tools' for installation but you can install whatever else you want. Click the button 'Install (x) package' close to the bottom right. After it's done you'll find the 'platform-tools' folder and that's where adb will be. (Like I said, I don't remember using any ./adb commands, though)

(this is on the website)

1. After you've pulled the battery and placed it back in, hold VolumeDown and Power button to restart. At white screen, select Fastboot with volume rocker and hit the power button. Connect cable from phone to mac.

2. Download the Mac version of the Fastboot in Step 5 of the HTC Website. Uncompress it and place it in the root of the 'android' folder. Rename it 'fastboot' (without single quotes) from 'fastboot-mac'.

3. Open a new Terminal window (Applications/Utitilies).

Type: cd /android
(that's if you had placed the android folder at the root of your hard drive)
hit return

Type: /android/fastboot oem get_identifier_token

4. Per the instructions at the HTC Website Step 9, Copy the Identifier token text.
(I copied and pasted it into a text app and deleted the "(bootloader)" text in there, then copied the resulting text.)

5. Paste into HTC Website Step 10 inside the "My Device Identifier Token:" box and hit submit.

If it goes through you'll get a Congratulations webpage and your unlock file will be sent to your registered email.

6. Download the Unlock_code.bin file into the android folder where the 'fastboot' file should be.

7. Go back into the Terminal window.
Type: /android/fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin

8. Your phone should go off and come up with an Unlock Your Phone screen. Use the volume rocker to select Yes and hit the Power button. Should restart and you're good to go.

Good luck!

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Re-locking the Bootloader & Post Unlock Resources

To re-lock the bootloader:

Open up the command prompt and change directory (cd) back to the folder containing the Android fastboot.exe file:

cd C:\android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\

then type:

fastboot oem lock

That's it! You are now locked back up again!

Post Unlock Resources

Please post questions about the resources in those appropriate threads please. This post is meant to be a quick post for related topics.

[Permanent Root for Rezound after bootloader unlock]


[ClockWork Mod Recovery for Rezound]

[Amon Ra Recovery for Rezoundhttp://www.droidforums.net/forum/ht...recovery-amon-ra-recovery-3-1-3-fastboot.html]

[ROMs for the Rezound after HTCDev Unlock]

[Themes for the Rezound]
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For some reason I can't get this part done.

. Next open up "android-sdk-windows" folder and double click on "SDK Manager." You only need the following:

(MOD Edit: Removed PIC; Eating up my photobucket bandwidth allocation :D)​

-You can un-check anything else (except for maybe the Google USB Drivers, you can leave that selected).

5. Let it do its thing, once its done, you click on close on the dialogue box and exit out of the SDK manager.

6. You should now have a "platform-tools" folder and within that folder we are looking for three things specifically:​


**Make sure these three files are there (yes, there are others, ignore them).

It just works through some things and then say's done nothing installed?

Sorry duh. Run as admin did the trick.
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I have lost network connection, in my wireless and network settings everything having to do with the network is grayed out. I'm factory restoring right now to see if it helps. I have to leave soon so..... any quick advice would be much appreciated!!!
I have lost network connection, in my wireless and network settings everything having to do with the network is grayed out. I'm factory restoring right now to see if it helps. I have to leave soon so..... any quick advice would be much appreciated!!!

On the phone or on your computer? If on your phone give the SIM card a few minuets to activate.
Yea the phone. The factory reset worked I've had to do that before. I think i went into panic mode to quick because it just factory reset itself with the unlock procedure. Sorry to alarm anyone. It was scary:icon_eek:
Yea the phone. The factory reset worked I've had to do that before. I think i went into panic mode to quick because it just factory reset itself with the unlock procedure. Sorry to alarm anyone. It was scary:icon_eek:

So are you good to go then? No issues?
I am following this to the letter, but everytime I paste the code and hit submit I get unlock error token length invalid . I have done this 4 times now and I am at my wits end on what I could be possible doing wrong ? I count 16 lines of code not counting the start and end. Same as the example ..anyone have any ideas ? Oh to make it clear yes I am copying the start and stop lines as well..
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I am following this to the letter, but everytime I paste the code and hit submit I get unlock error token length invalid . I have done this 4 times now and I am at my wits end on what I could be possible doing wrong ? I count 16 lines of code not counting the start and end. Same as the example ..anyone have any ideas ? Oh to make it clear yes I am copying the start and stop lines as well..

Is the "Identifier Token" text included in the beginning and end? Make sure it is, other wise you'll get that error.
Is the "Identifier Token" text included in the beginning and end? Make sure it is, other wise you'll get that error.

There should also be a total of 18 lines when including the beginning and ending "Identifier Token" text.
There should also be a total of 18 lines when including the beginning and ending "Identifier Token" text.

Yes there are 18 when I count the beginning and ending identifier token text. So that is what is confusing, seems like I am getting the proper code so not sure why the error. Running Cleantool and being temp rooted shouldn't change anything should it ? Otherwise nothing different with my phone.