Homescreen doesn't load


Mar 22, 2011
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Sometimes when exiting applications or settings menu my homescreens will only display my wallpaper. Usually it just takes a few seconds to load everything, but last time I had to load another profile and go back to get everything to reappear. Am I the only one who has had this problem?

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Its called redraw. Clearing your cache, usually a reboot is all you need, helps. If not there are cache cleaning apps on the market.

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My stock app manager keeps my cache clear.

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Other than that maybe somethings running and slowing you down. have a lot of widgets??

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Not really. Just a weather app. I've only had the phone for a week. My load is pretty light. I try to read as much as I can to prevent tech issues.

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Unfortunately there are several stock widgets that I cannot stop without rooting.

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Unfortunately there are several stock widgets that I cannot stop without rooting.

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There is alot of bloat on those....not sure what else to try as I don't have a D2G...and my wife's DX doesn't do this...

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Thanks anyways.

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