On the phone now with Verizon and negotiating a new Turbo while keeping my unlimited data and Friends and Family plan. I'll report back when I have the results I'm looking for.
OK!! So here's the scoop this time...everyone, and I mean EVERYONE listen carefully.
I have three phone lines, the first two are smartphone Unlimited Data lines and the third is a non-data (dumb phone) line. I have the Friends and Family plan with 1400 minutes of calling per month. I pay 99.99 or whatever it is for that 1400 minutes of calling. I pay $29.99 per month for each of the two smartphones. I pay $9.99 for the dumb phone. I pay $5 per month for 250 text messages on one of the smartphones.
Now, I am already holding one Motorola MAXX that I had Edged up on last year (12 months ago), and which is costing me $20.83 per month. That Edge up was on the NON-DATA line at that time, and was then moved to the primary Unlimited Data line.
Tonight, I got...drum roll......
Edge up the NON-DATA line, they're sending me overnight, delivery Monday (no charge), a new Droid TURBO Ballistic Nylon 64GB. I am placing the Droid MAXX in the box and sending it back seeing as how I've satisfied the minimum requirement of paying off half of the phone's cost.
I will stop paying the 20.83 per month for the MAXX, and will instead begin paying $27.08 per month for the TURBO.
We are activating the new phone ON THE NON-DATA LINE with the SIM it will have INCLUDED and will have the NON-DATA LINE PHONE NUMBER on... It will have a $29.99 per month DATA PACKAGE added... I am instructed by the Level Two Verizon Technician to keep that phone on that line starting Monday and with the SIM it came with until the Technician calls me back on Wednesday, at which time he will do three things...
First, he will do an ESN change on the NEW SIM CARD, putting my primary phone number onto the new sim.
He will then PRORATE the DATA PLAN to only the 3 days it had data and then SHUT DATA DOWN on that line.
He will then activate the dumb phone back onto that line again.
He has assured me that if it is done that way, it will NOT trigger loss of the Unlimited Data on the primary line.
He has assured me that if the new Data Package is discontinued on the now NON-DATA line, it will NOT trigger any termination of service or early termination fees.
It will NOT cause me to have to pay any additionally for the phone.
It will NOT result in me having to keep DATA on that dumb phone line for the 2 years as we've been told it would.
And it will NOT cause an automatic change of data plan and replace Unlimited Data with a 6GB (or 2GB) tiered plan data on my primary line.