We have all been busy playing pin the date on the Galaxy Nexus, but confirmations appear more concrete everyday. The above screenshot leaks today from Best Buy's point of sales system showing the "In Stock Date" of an unknown Verizon handset to be December 11th 2011. This is around the same December 8th - December 11th date that has been mentioned by the best and most trusted Android Blogs around the web. A similar screen shot made it's rounds a few days ago, however this one now displays "Verizon Hardware / Verizon Handsets with the same SKU as the one posted earlier this week. So could it be, just 8 more days??
Continue the on going Galaxy Nexus release thread debate here: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/ga...us-best-buy-system-right-well-i-can-help.html
Thanks for the tip, Arkbird!