The above screenshot of an internal Best Buy database, seems to indicate that the retailer will not be getting the Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus in-stock until December 11th. This seems to fly in the face of the many rumors suggesting a December 8th or 9th launch; however, it is possible that Verizon worked out a deal to launch from their home stores a few days earlier than thrid party retailers.
However, it's also possible that this pic is a fake. The Engadget article that posted this pic points out that the specs on this SCH-i515, are a bit different than the original specs as listed on the Google spec pages; 9.34mm versus 9.47mm and 140g instead of 150g. Still, they weren't ready to call it out just yet. As is usual, we will just have to wait and see for now...
Source: Engadget