Full Size keyboard for Droid??

I paired my Logitech keyboard with my Droid X (2.2 rooted) and it works fine. Just need to find key mapping - I was shocked when it paired and then actually worked! Typed up all sorts of email messages...
I use a Dell bluetooth keyboard I found on ebay. Even the media controls on it work. Great for Evernote, though I look a little silly with a giant keyboard and a tiny phone.

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I don't bother with bluetooth, I use something to pair it with my pc via wireless and just send texts that way.
t would be possible with the AVRCP protocol for someone to make an app that allows you to control your droid through your desktop computer via bluetooth,
a big KB+ Droid?
do not bother to figure it out. why not choose a tablet which can make phone call?
I use my DroidX with Quickoffice spreadsheets extensively on my job. Does anyone know if these keyboards will allow spreadsheet navigation as is done on a laptop. Toggling between cells and data entry as opposed to toggle, select, edit and save etc?
Keyboard vs Stylus

It sure would be nice to be able to plug in a full size USB keyboard into my Droid for those On the road quick emails. the slide out Kb is too small for my big hands to use. the onscreen KB works much better for me, but it still would be nice for those nights im sitting in my Hotel room to be able to type on a bigger KB. I wouldn't need to drag a laptop around with me for the most part.
anyone know if this is possible???

Zero Cool, keyboards are minus zero cool compared to a stylus my friend turned me onto. After trying the POGo and all of that other junk with the rubber tips, he talked me into trying the stylus-r-us ones. At first I was like, no way on earth. They're too expensive. But then after I got sick of my two blue-teeth keyboards, I bought the TERMINATOR from that company stylus-r-us and I freaked totally out when I tried it. It was like, no pressure needed at all just like they claim. I do note taking allot and some art work and it is awesome for that any everything else too. I liked it so much, I just received my second one, a BIG SCREEN, three days ago and dude??!! Hey? This thing is unfriggenreal. I just get it near the icon with its tip and it makes it open. Now my screen is always clean and there is no "con's" about this stylus, other than the price which I now know is well, well worth it. They are awesome. You can have all the keyboards made but I can out type you anyway of the week with this stylus.
You need to enable usb host mode it does require knowledge of soldering and modifying cables I got it working and I'm typing to you from a keyboard hooked up via usb I am using a logitech internet 350 keyboard

Any advice on how I can enable 'usb host mode'? I was able to purchase a USB to Micro USB adapter, which I'm assuming circumvents the need for soldering.

I would prefer using a USB keyboard instead of a bluetooth one, if possible.
It looks like our keyboard problems are about to become a thing of the past :-D

Google just announced that they’re releasing Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) on Oct. 18th, which amongst other things will allow for normal USB hosting of any device (including keyboards and mice) on any device utilizing Android OS :)

Can’t wait!
I'm curious. Has no one been able to get the droids (other than myself) to work with a bluetooth keyboard? I've been able to pair both a Droid 2 and a Droid X2 with a Menotek flexible keyboard and a Verbatim keyboard. I admit I had a hell of a time getting the Verbatim keyboard to work but once I was able to, it's been great. In point of fact, for many things I no longer use my notebook computer, just my Droid X2 and the Verbatim keyboard.

I'm unfamiliar with the stylus you mentioned. How does it work? I assume the narrower point (rather than a huge human digit) makes the web browsing easier and can see using it for that. But if you're going to leave text longer than a sentence or two, I can't see how a stylus could possibly be better than a keyboard.

[email protected]
So far I've only been able to connect a bluetooth keyboard that uses an SPP Profile (i.e. Apple's wireless keyboard).

Still trying to connect one that uses an HID Profile
It can be done. When I first tried, the X2 didn't even SEE the keyboard and I had about given up hope that I could get it to work when all of a sudden, the Verbatim keyboard started to show up when I'd scan for devices. It took me about an hour of trying to get them to pair AND connect. The keyboard kept rejecting the Droid X2. It kind of reminded me of something in the dark ages of computing, back before the web existed and one had to use modems to connect to BBS. Some of the 9600 baud modem were flaky as hell and you had to practically do handstands and sacrifice to obscure gods of the orient to get things to work.

So, I did the same thing. Tested out the timing of the pairing process. It appears that you have to hit a tight time window when you pair. Something like between 2 and 3 seconds between when you tell the keyboard to accept pairing and the droid x2 to pair with the keyboard. Pain in the ass, but it gets easier.

And like I said, I'm really fond of that keyboard. Not all of the keys work as advertised but most do and there is documentation on the Verbatum website about key-mapping. You might want to check that out as well.

revised devil's dictionary
[email protected]