Froyo - Camera


Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
EDIT 6/30/2010: I just flashed Bugless Beast 0.4 and the following issue no longer occurs!

Apparently it's not everyone but I can't get my camera to work with the new Droid Froyo ROM. The first time I installed the ROM the camera was working but the images were an explosion of psychedelic color (no, I'm not on any drugs). Then I reinstalled it and the camera is just completely black. It takes pictures, but they're just black. I have posted this question in the main Froyo thread but the only responses I get are "It works fine for me." I even tried doing a triple-wipe and reinstalling it one more time - no dice.

I know it is not the camera hardware itself, because I reloaded a Cyanogenmod backup and the camera worked great.

I noticed in /system/app the camera app used to be Camera.apk (on 2.1) and now the file is CameraGoogle.apk. I tried installing the Camera.apk from 2.1 into /system/app but Froyo didn't recognize it.

I am out of ideas, and very disappointed because I love this Froyo ROM in every other way, but I don't want a crippled phone. I don't take pictures often but I want to be able to do it.

Please, does anyone have any ideas about how I can get my camera working? I'll buy you a PayPal beer if you can help.

(Mods: If I've posted in the wrong section, would you please move the thread?)
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Yeah, froyo has renamed some of its system apps with "google" on the end for some reason.

Have you tried a different camera app with froyo, like fx camera or something free? Are you having problems with those?
I just tried FxCamera, ProPaint Camera, and Camera 360 -- all three have the same issue: black. It's like the operating system cannot access the camera, not the app. The apps all work as if the camera is working, but the picture is just black.
I am having the exact same issue, almost verbatim stretch's scenario. I noticed when flashing froyo in nandroid, I get a error when trying to install /dev/mmcblk0p2, then phone reboots, and froyo works great. I wrote this off as a app2sd partition, (that I dont use) and thought it had nothing to do with it. but I would love to have a working camera with my froyo, I love having the speed and flash 10.1. I have tried 3 different kernels, and also tried comming from CM 5.0.7 and also 2.0 rooted, and also 2.1 non rooted. No matter where i start, still the camera bug persists. Any help would be great....
Which 2.2 leak are you using???

My camera works just fine, so does barcode scanner.


As does mine.

I think it's a little odd that such a small number of people are having camera issues when so many others haven't reported a problem. I'm not saying you don't have an issue, I just wonder if it has anything at all to do with Froyo.
I just tried FxCamera, ProPaint Camera, and Camera 360 -- all three have the same issue: black. It's like the operating system cannot access the camera, not the app. The apps all work as if the camera is working, but the picture is just black.

For 2.1 I always kept/used:

Camera Pro
Pro Zoom Camera 5X

BUT Neither will interface with the 2.2 camera (driver I suspect) and just FC, thus both will need be rebuilt for 2.2.

So for 2.2 the Only Camera App I've found to work is the Stock Camera...which luckily is Much better then the 2.1 stock app..
Which 2.2 leak are you using???

I just tried the Nexthemed version of Froyo found here:

[ROM] NexTheme for Android 2.2 (BETA) - Vote for a name - Android Forums

My camera works just fine, so does barcode scanner.


Sadly, the problem occurs with that ROM, as well as Blue Energy, and Clean Black.

It must be something deep in the OS - a driver, perhaps, as someone suggested. I just don't get why it only happens to selected Droids, and why the camera works fine when I reload an old 2.1 Cyanogenmod ROM.

So frustrating.
I have camera issues as well, my camera will take the picture properly, then it freezes the phone. I love chrome to phone, but if my cam won't work I've got to go back to the first leak.

I have the 33333 user key.
I have camera issues as well, my camera will take the picture properly, then it freezes the phone. I love chrome to phone, but if my cam won't work I've got to go back to the first leak.

I have the 33333 user key.

Same thing happens to me, i tried snapping a pic, but my phone just froze. The only thing i can think of was because i didnt wipe data/cache. Gonna do that an re-install and see if it helps
The following camera apps work flawlessly on my voles-userdebug 2.2 FRF57 38829 test-keys build:

Stock camera app
Camera Zoom FX
Retro Camera
PRO Zoom Camera 5X
Camera 360
Which 2.2 leak are you using???

My camera works just fine, so does barcode scanner.


As does mine.

I think it's a little odd that such a small number of people are having camera issues when so many others haven't reported a problem. I'm not saying you don't have an issue, I just wonder if it has anything at all to do with Froyo.

If you Google this issue you will find that lot's of people have a messed up camera since installing these roms. As do I.
If you Google this issue you will find that lot's of people have a messed up camera since installing these roms. As do I.

It is also interesting to point out that the camera hardware is fine, because I have gone back to a 2.1 Cyanogenmod ROM and my camera works perfectly. Load up Froyo again, camera dead. So it's not the device, it's something else. What, I have no idea. I just hope the ROMs built from 2.2 source won't flake out on my camera!
My camera is functional as well. When I loaded froyo, I only used titanium backup for system data. I wonder if that makes a difference?