Droid X has been rooted

Someone who had been working very hard on this at Motorola just came in this morning to basically be made to feel worthless even before his morning coffee.
Someone who had been working very hard on this at Motorola just came in this morning to basically be made to feel worthless even before his morning coffee.

The only thing is we always knew Root would be possible, the eFuse is the problem and still is. We still can't load custom roms/bootloaders.
Nice! I knew someone would come up with it but Im not going to root mines just yet. I just got it on launch day and still getting use to it.
So seriously...will this allow us to get rid of that crappy bloatware now?
I am excited about this (esp as an X owner), and not to take anything away from the work that was done to get there, but isn't this a copy job of the milestone rooting? I will be impressed when the bootloader is cracked.
how is it that wireless tether works now? has anyone tried? my friend and i just did and although the app fires up the laptop that connects to it just goes to a verizon page
how is it that wireless tether works now? has anyone tried? my friend and i just did and although the app fires up the laptop that connects to it just goes to a verizon page

You have to get "wireless tether" from the market.
Ok I'm new and certainly not a computer expert at all. But what is the reason for rooting? What does it accomplish?
Wouldn't something similar to a Nandroid work as a custom ROM substitute? We have the signature that the bootloader requires on our current setups... so couldn't we just mod our phones and then create backups that we flash? We would have to install all of apps again, sure, but we would have something similar to custom ROMs. We could edit the parameters of the kernals for overclocking, and we can theme with su. We're not really missing anything else.
ahh nevermind that app is just for an ad hoc network. we were looking for the 3g hotspot option

edit - nevermind again. looking at the app's homepage it seems as if we aint doign something write <-- hahaha right i meant. maybe its the kernel problem it mentions when you download it.
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