Disable screen timeout when plugged in


Dec 29, 2009
Reaction score
Clifton Park, NY
Sitting at my desk all day long with my Droid plugged into my laptop and charging, the screen still times out every once in a while. My laptop allows me to set different timeouts for when it's running on battery or plugged in. It'd be nice if my Droid did that, too. Am I missing something?
Settings > Applications > Stay Awake - check to enable.

Alternatively, download Screebl and never worry about screen lighting again.
charge your phone from the wall, not the PC. your screen will stay lit regardless of apps, timeouts, etc.
charge your phone from the wall, not the PC. your screen will stay lit regardless of apps, timeouts, etc.

That may be true but it makes no sense. How/why should the charging circuit know where the electrons are coming from and if there was going to be a difference, the opposite of what you describe would be more useful. It also doesn't help me if I don't have a wall charger handy.
because a USB port is limited to 500mAh. your wall charger is 1100mAh. the phone charges quicker from the wall. the phone goes to sleep when connected to the PC, to help conserve resources so that it can actually charger.

1000/1100mAh is healthier for the phone. always use the appropriate charger when possible.