im not sure if this is allowed but it was too awesome not to share
Dev Server OTA File: USE CAUTION IF YOU'RE ROOTED - xda-developers
i followed directions in there unfroze all my bloat and let the OTA unrooted my phone...i then re did the one click root method and i have root again...
this included some fixes i guess and unfortunately the camera wasnt included...the root exploit wasnt patched and you can reroot afterwards
to the mods of this forum i lost my old account here it was NYGRIK it had more than the 5 posts on this guy i should really know the rules about posting external forum links but i dont so if this is in violation i a droid 1 junkie and im happy the they are patching the d3 which had a rocky we are rooted cant wait for the custom recov and roms!
ps- refroze all the blur and my phone is flying havent had any noticeable issues as of yet...also im not responsible for anything you do to your device my experience may differ from yours...i was a flash addict on the droid 1 so i wouldnt say im a total noob but im definitely no dev so dont expect any major help from me loldancedroid
Dev Server OTA File: USE CAUTION IF YOU'RE ROOTED - xda-developers
i followed directions in there unfroze all my bloat and let the OTA unrooted my phone...i then re did the one click root method and i have root again...
this included some fixes i guess and unfortunately the camera wasnt included...the root exploit wasnt patched and you can reroot afterwards
to the mods of this forum i lost my old account here it was NYGRIK it had more than the 5 posts on this guy i should really know the rules about posting external forum links but i dont so if this is in violation i a droid 1 junkie and im happy the they are patching the d3 which had a rocky we are rooted cant wait for the custom recov and roms!
ps- refroze all the blur and my phone is flying havent had any noticeable issues as of yet...also im not responsible for anything you do to your device my experience may differ from yours...i was a flash addict on the droid 1 so i wouldnt say im a total noob but im definitely no dev so dont expect any major help from me loldancedroid